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Well, "Ramzan ka mahina hai "so kinda busy with Lil works but your comments are making me sad.so, why not to tease you guys 😉.


Forgetting the senses of her brain, & the pain that is carrying beneath her shredded heart, avni throwed herself upon Neil giving him a bone crushing hug. Her soft fragile hands wrapped around his waist & her sheer body glued into his chest as a fear of losing him went through her nerve cells. She held on tightly as if she was holding something precious to her.

She found peaceful solace wrapping around him. His arms were something she wished to be there for her ever. Now ,All she wants is to be in Neil's protective hands which gave her a beautiful assurance of being loved & cared.

"NE.. Ne.. Neil...finally you're here. Thank you.. Thank you so much ".Avni sobbed loudly like a small child .Her tears made his shirt wet finding warmth & peace In him.

Neil had a stern look on his face & there was no reply from him . which was unnoticed by avni as she was in her own joyful world.

Avni was happy as she thought now she was in safe arms but soon the happiness In her face turned into frown as Neil jerked avni away from him.

She couldn't understand what happened. she looked directly into his eyes. Which were bloodshot red depicting pain & rage . There was no sign of tears .His eyes were as cold as ice without sign of love all she could witness is anger in those brown orbs which could even burn her.

"Neil.. Wh. Wh what happened". Avni shuttered moving Close to him.

"Don't you dare to come towards me or touch me ". Neil yelled making her astound.

Avni stood silent looking down unable to face his eyes which were sending triggers into her heart. Her eyes welled with fresh tears unable to register his words. She rooted at that spot unable to understand his cold behavior towards her.


" Well, hats off to your acting avni. You would become great actress if you try In cinema industry. And now you know what miss I hate you. Are you listening I hate you. Neil roared gripping her shoulders while avni flinched with fear because of his harsh voice & tight grip.

She was all silent with tears brimming through her cheeks .

"Before I could do anything with you or Mai apni hawv -bhav kho baitu. Please go away from my sight and don't you dare to show your freaking face again in my life. Go enjoy your life with your self . You don't deserve me . Neil said yanking her shoulders .

How is the teaser? Twist is on the way! So.. Be ready.
What do think what might be the issue behind Neil's anger 😉.

Well next update would be long so I need at least two days time to write managing works.

Are you excited for upcoming?

Much love
Resh ❤

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