Peculairs songs (rewritten)

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Hello. It's been a long time since I did this the first time so I guess this is pt. 2? I don't know. Also I'm not at my house for the weekend but wattpad still isn't working and I don't know if it ever will with my houses WiFi, so I'll do my best to write any chapters in notes and copy them to wattpad when I'm somewhere else. Anyway here's the main part of the chapter.

Peculiar (children) songs-

Emma- Pyrokinesis- 7Chariot

Enoch- puppet loosely strung- the corespondents

Jacob- meet me on the battlefield-SVRCINA

Horace- Primadonna girl- Marina and the diamonds

Olive- ( I cant stand it but-) defying gravity- Wicked.

Fiona- Pusher-Clear ( ft.mothica)

Hugh- Naive- RKCB

Bronwyn- Hero-Mariah Carey

Claire-  my favorite things- Julie Andrews

Millard- I'm not here- Radiohead 

This wasn't a very good chapter but it's late and I need to get something out. Goodnight and wear your seatbelt. Also keep your streaks on Duolingo or else.

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