Chapter 1

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I walked down the street towards the only home I've ever known, if you can call it that. Ravenswood Foster Home. I've lived there ever since I could remember, I have never known my parents so it's always been me and my older brother, Luke. On my way I accidentally bumped into a woman wearing sunglasses, I quickly apologised. She just told me to watch where I'm going next time.

As soon as I got in I rushed up the stairs. I only managed to get up half way when I heard a voice say "Where have you been?" it was Mr Kenner, the director of the Foster home, he made it his job to know where we were at all times. He was tall quite a skinny man, with brown hair neatly cut and glasses. But my god he has a temper. "In town" I answered. "With whom may I ask?" "No-one, I was by myself... as usual" I hated it when he asks me questions, I know it's his job but the guy seriously needs to lay off. "Just try and make some friends next year..." he said I just looked at my shoes, I'm not exactly the most popular kid in school, in fact, I'm the complete opposite."I'll try" I said, and with that, I went upstairs to my room.

I raced upstairs and shut the door. I slumped on the bed and took a photo off my bedside table, it was the only photo I had of my family. Not that I could remember them, both my parents died when I was a baby and I never saw my older brother once he turned 15. I just pretended he died as well, it just made things easier.

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