Chapter 9

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Clemmie's POV

Over the course of my first-day shooting, we filmed a fight scene and a load of other scenes. I hung out with the cast and became friends with Chyler and Melissa. I still haven't told them fully about my past just like I haven't told my parents most of it either.

I play a new superhero, another Kryptonian called Piper. I get to do all my own stunts and fight sequences. Which takes my mind off other things. Over the course of my first few days, I got used to filming scenes with my mum and the rest of the cast. I think I'm gonna like it here.

~ A Couple of weeks later ~

I was training with the stunt team for one of my fight sequences. We were on set as nobody was filming in that part of the studio. I saw Katie walk in with a man that I had not seen before. I didn't get a good look at his face, so I continued training.

"Clemmie come here, I want you to meet our new cast member," Katie called. I walked over, "Clemmie, this is Joseph Hunter," The man turned around, I felt my stomach do a flip.

"Hello Clemmie," Joseph said, I suddenly felt sick. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, I didn't know where to I just ran. I ended up by the trailers, tears streaming down my face. I clearly wasn't looking where I was going as I ran into Chyler and Melissa.

"Clemmie?" Chyler asked, "What's the matter?" She put her hand on my shoulder, I pushed is off.

 "Nothing. Just leave me alone," I tried to get past, but Melissa grabbed my hand.

"Clemmie, talk to us," Melissa said. I shook my head, tears still streaming. How could I tell them something I can't even tell my parents?

"It's nothing," I sniffed.

"Clemmie..." Chyler said.

"Fine... but not out here," I said wiping my eye. "And you can't tell Katie or Colin," I said as we neared Chyler's trailer. I sat down on her couch.

"What's the matter?" Chyler asked again, I sighed.

"Katie introduced me to our new cast member, Joseph Hunter," I explained.

"Oh, I've met Joe, he seems nice," Melissa said

"It's a cover-up," I said quickly

"What do you mean?" Chyler asked.

"He's lying, that's not the true him," I said

"Clem, you can't say that about a person you just met-" Melissa started.

"I've met him before! He's my dad!" I blurted out.

"What do you mean he's your dad?" Melissa asked

"He's my biological father," I explained. Both Melissa and Chyler looked at me with a look of shock plastered on their faces.

We sat like that for a couple of minutes until Chyler asked, "What happened?"

I took a deep breath, "Only my mum died when I was a baby. My dad looked after my brother, Luke and me until I was around six and Luke was fifteen. That was when I was moved into Ravenswood" I explained.

"What made you be transferred to Ravenswood?" Melissa asked.

I looked down at the floor, trying to hide my tears," My dad became an alcoholic after my mum died when I was a baby. He abused both me and Luke. Me more than Luke. I wasn't able to testify at the court so he only served six years. I guess he completed his sentence and has now come looking for me again," I felt tears building up and my chest becoming tight. "Please don't send me back to him!" I cried. Both of them came over and hugged me.

"You're not going anywhere, you understand?" Melissa whispered, I nodded

I heard a knock at the door, "Melissa, Chyler we need you on set," one of the stagehands said.

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute," Chyler called, "Do you want to come with us, or do you want to stay here?" She asked.

"I'll come. I need to explain what happened to Katie," I said.

As we got onto set Katie came up to us, "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you," She said whilst hugging me, "Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah... yeah, I just had another episode that's all, I'm fine now... honest," I replied.

"I'm needed on set do mind hanging out with Joe for a bit?" worry quickly overtook me, I didn't know what to say.

"S-sure," I said quietly.

As Katie, Chyler and Melisa prepared for their scene I sat on my chair texting Blue back home, but for some reason, she wasn't answering. She usually answers, we talk practically every day since I left.

"Hi, Clem. How are you?" Joseph said.

"I'm fine Joseph," I replied.

"What, no 'I missed you dad'?" I glared at him

"You were never a father to me, and you never will be. I have a family, who cares for me and aren't constantly drunk, and they don't rape me," I said as I continued to text Blue.

"Look, I made a few mistakes okay-" I scoffed

"Only a few?"

"Look, losing your mother took its toll on me," he started, I could feel the anger slowly creeping out "I just want my daughter back-"

"So you can rape me again? I don't think so"

"Look whether you like it or not you're mine and you're coming back home with me,"

"No, I'm not," I said as I got up. I started walking away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into him. He started kissing me.

"Oh and one more thing, I killed your mother" he whispered in my ear. He started kissing me more violently.

"Stop... please," I could barely get any words out.

"Never," He said and continued further down.

"No! Stop, Please! NO!" I screamed out I started kicking, Melissa, Chyler and Katie ran over.

"Get your hands off her!" Melissa screamed as Katie and she started fighting Joseph. He released his grip and I ran to Chyler and held her as tight as possible.

"I will get my daughter back! Whatever it takes!" Joseph screamed as he was dragged away. I turned and hid in Chyler's chest crying.

"You're okay, you're safe now," She whispered trying to calm me down.

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