Chapter 35

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Clemmie's POV

It was Friday evening and Mum and I were preparing a movie night. Colin had gone out with some of his mates for the weekend.

"Hey, Clem why don't you get the board games out and a selection of movies," Mum said walking to the door to welcome whoever was at the door. I went into one of the spare room, where we keep the games and movies. When I came back Mel, Chyler and Nicole sitting on one of the sofas.

"Hey, Clem!" Chy greeted. Just as I placed the games and movies down I felt someone tackle me.

"Nicole, get off" I grunted as I tried to push her off me. When she eventually got off I went to go sit by Mel and Chyler on the floor. "Where's Andrea, Azie and Odie?" I questioned, picking at the popcorn, that was on the coffee table.

"They had some errands to run before they got here, but they should be here soon," Mel explained. I continued to pick at the snacks.

"Clemmie stop eating the snacks," Mum scolded. I looked towards Chyler and Nicole who had also had handfuls of snack.

"But-" I tried to protest before Mum gave her signature Luthor glare, "Fine," I mumbled, looking back to Chy and Nicole who were now trying their hardest not to burst out into giggles.

After a while Andrea, Azie and Odette arrived, now we were just waiting for Cara. We were sitting around the coffee table playing Uno when I heard the doorbell go. I immediately got up and ran to the door.

"Hi," I breathed out.

"Hey," Cara greeted, before pulling me into her embrace. Unfortunately, it was cut short by a certain someone whimpering.

"Seriously?! Koda, she's my girlfriend" I exclaimed as Cara lets out a light chuckle, before letting me go and tapping her chest for Koda to jump up into her arms. "He's way too spoilt," I say scratching his head. We walked over to the lounge, everyone was now looking at us. Not creepy at all.

Katie got up from her seat, "Hey, Cara." Car put Koda down and pointed to his bed which he obliged to.

"Hi, Katie" Cara greeted putting out her hand.

"You know that's not how it works here," my mum said pulling Cara in for a hug. All throughout this, the others were either looking at each other, me or Cara. Talk about weird.

I went to go sit down opposite the others and began fiddling with the edges of my hoodie. Cara soon joined me, " I was wrong," I whispered in her ear, "You should've been more worried about these guys,"

"And you decide to tell me that now?" She answered back.

"So, you must be the girl who Spunky hasn't told us anything about," Nicole said. Cara looked at me amused.

"Shut up," I whispered back lightly hitting her shoulder.

"I guess. My name's Cara," She replied, pulling me closer, so my head was now resting on her shoulder.

"We have a couple of questions to ask you?" Mel said, leaning forward.

"Shoot," Cara answered, giving my shoulder a light squeeze telling me that she was okay with it.

"What do your parents do?" Chyler asked, taking a sip from her bottle of beer.

"My Dad's an ER doctor and my mom's a firefighter," Cara simply answered.

"How long have you known Clemmie?" Odette asked. So much for girl's night.

"Since I first started school," I interrupted, "Now can we please get on with the games or at least start a movie?" I added.

After a while, we got into teams to start a game of Jenga. It got to my turn and it looked as though the tower was going to topple, but I managed to pull out a brick without it falling.

"H-how did you do that?!" Mel exclaimed, " You have to be cheating."

"Someone keep an eye on her," Azie added. Cara pulled me into a hug but I felt her hand graze over my skin, I knew where this was heading.

"Cara, I swear to god if you start tickling me I will make you regret it," I said out loud as everyone turned their attention to us.

"You sure?" She replied holding up her hands, causing me to let out a nervous chuckle.

"Aww, there's our Clem. You must be feeling better- but for real," Chyler commented.

"Yeah, a lot better than you at Jenga," I smirked. Which got a lot of shouts from everyone.

"Yeah, I'm risking it," Cara said before tackling me to the floor, causing me to go into a fit of giggles. All of a sudden I started coughing really badly, Cara immediately jumped off me and pulled me up. "You okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a stupid cold," I said clearing my throat. "I'm going to get a glass of water, does anyone want a refill?" I asked. Luckily everyone declined.

I must have drunk about three glasses of water before I was able to get rid of the tickle in my throat. I was about to head back into the living room when Cara came through.

"Hey," She greeted, "Are you okay, you've been gone a while? We were just gonna start a movie." She asked coming up to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"Yeah, I just couldn't get rid of the cough. I'm okay now, I was just heading back," I explained, kissing her cheek and leading her back to the sofa.

Katie's POV

We were nearing the end of the movie when I looked over to the girls to see them fast asleep. Cara holding Clemmie against her chest.

"They're really good together," Andrea commented.

"Yeah, Cara seems like she really cares for Clem," Nicole added.

"She wouldn't leave her side when she was at the hospital," I explained. "I've not seen Clem this happy since I said we were adopting her,"

"Anyway we should get going," Chyler said, getting up from the couch.

"I'll stay and help clear up," Mel stated.

After everyone had said their goodbyes and left Me and I started to clear up the rubbish. I saw Mel go over to Clem, "Don't wake them," I blurted out.

"I wasn't, I was just gonna put a blanket over them," She said placing on of our blankets over the sleeping pair. I'm glad Clem has someone like Cara in her life.

A/N: Please keep on sending in suggestions and requests. Updates will be slow, mainly because my school's sending an endless amount of work.

Please stay safe,


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