Chapter 31

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I ran through the school searching for Cara. I eventually found her, and Alex, walking down one of the corridors. I quickly grabbed her by the wrists and dragged her into an empty classroom. "Clem, what are you doing?" She questioned.

"Look, I really like you. I'm such an idiot for blaming you when all you were doing was looking out for me. I don't want to lose you, you're one of the most important people in my life. I didn't think anything through, I just find it hard to trust people and I just flipped, I'm so sorry,"

"You like me?" Cara smirked.

"Really?! After everything I said, all you got was that I like you?!" I asked in disbelief. Was she serious?

"But do you?" She asked with her usual goofy grin. How could I stay mad at that?

"Yeah, I really, really like you, Cara. And I know I really messed things up and you probably don't like-" I was interrupted by a pair of soft lips touching mine. At first, I was startled and then I began kissing back. When we parted we looked into each other's eyes. "What was that for?" I questioned, but it came out more like a whisper. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. I put my hands over my face, trying to hide my redness.

"You wouldn't shut up. And for the record, I do like you," she replied taking ahold of my hands, gently rubbing her thumbs over the back of my hands. We both stood there looking into each other's eyes.

"So, what does this make us?" I questioned, in all honesty, I had no clue what I was doing. I had never been in this position before.

"Clemmie Morgan, will you be my girlfriend?" Cara asked, I nodded in reply and leapt in her arms, just as the bell sounded for the end of lunch.

The rest of the day, I never left Cara's side. We walked to my apartment together, "Well wish me luck," I sighed, before entering our apartment.

"Clem, wait," Cara called before pecking my cheek, "Good luck,"

"Thanks," I said, walking into my apartment.

I closed the door behind me, hung up my jacket and made my way into the living room area. As I entered I saw mum on the sofa engrossed in another book. I thought I was prepared but the moment I saw her all the things that I had said last night swarmed my mind. I sat down on the other side of the sofa.

"Hi honey, how was school?" She asked, putting down her book. At first, I was slightly taken aback. How was she able to stay calm and be able to talk to me after what I said last night.

"It was good," I replied with the same answer I have every day over the past few months. "I want to apologise for what I said last night. I was completely out of line, you didn't deserve any of it. You were just being what a mum's supposed to be. I guess I'm still getting used to having that kind of figure in my life. I know how much you have done for me. And you are my mum, you look after me when I'm sick, when I start school, even when I need all your attention and energy, you help me. I could never imagine a better mum," I said trying not to let any tears fall.

"I would like to apologise as well," she started, "I should have trusted you, or at least told you that Cara was texting me. I should not have kept that from you, and I cannot imagine how much that hurt you. I just want to make sure you're safe. I love you, Clem," She said, opening her arms for me to lean into.

~ A few days later ~

"Clemmie!" I was woken up my Mum shaking me awake. I sat up, giving her a questionable and annoyed look. She normally lets me sleep in on the weekends, I looked across at my clock that said 9:30, "What?" I groaned.

"You've got your first session today, at ten remember?" She reminded I groaned once more grabbing a pillow and pushing down on my face. "Come on, I'll be waiting in the car," She said patting my legs.

After a while, I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and hair, tying it up in a ponytail, before slipping into a pair of black leggings and a grey hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked absolutely awful.

I locked the door behind me before heading down to the car. Mum was sitting in it as promised and was engrossed in a new book. When I got in she put her book down and began to drive to the therapists.

As we pulled up to a grey building my mouth became dry and it felt as though my stomach was doing flips. Mum obviously sensed my anxiety as she placed her hand over mine and squeezed it gently, "It's okay, they're here to help you."

When we entered the building I followed Mum to the front desk.

"Name?" The receptionist asked, looking at her computer screen.

"Clemence Morgan," My Mum answered, as the woman began typing.

"Dr Murphy is waiting for you. Third door on your right," She instructed.

I took a deep breath before following Katie down the corridor.

A/N: Sorry it's late, I've just had a lot of exams and stress with school as a whole. If you want any particular storylines involved, please comment.

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