Chapter 14

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I packed my backpack and grabbed any of the spare cash, I may or may not have gone through Katie's purse and Colin's wallet to get more. I took one last look at Colin and Katie's bedroom to find them sleeping. I took my books and the London house key and headed out of the apartment. I walked the streets of Vancouver as it poured down, I came to an apartment building and headed in. 

As I walked along the corridor to their apartment, I started having second thoughts on what Colin said, "She's going to be difficult and stubborn,"  that one line just kept on going around my head. I shook my head knowing this was the only way for me to do what is right. From the moment they adopted me I was a pain in the butt and all I have done is cause trouble and upset people. I knocked on the door, bearing in mind it was midnight, hoping someone will open the door. I knocked again, I could hear dogs barking. Dammit. I waited outside drenched until someone opened the door.

Melissa's POV

I was in bed with Chris sleeping after a long day shooting, when all of a sudden the dogs started going crazy. I got up and headed to the door sleepily when there was continuous knocking on the door. When I opened the door it revealed a soaking wet, broken Clemmie. "Clemmie? What are you doing here?" I asked. She walked past and made her way to the couch. "Clemmie? What happened?" no answer she just looked off into the distance. "Clemmie, do your parents know you're here?" I asked, getting my phone.

"No don't. And they're not my parents," she said.

"Clemmie, what happened?" I asked again as Chris walked in.

"They don't want me," she cried. I came over to her.

"You know that's not true," I replied.

"But... it is. Ever since they adopted me I've been causing trouble and... and I've upset people. My first day I ran away. I just want to go home..." she cried and fell into my arms, I looked towards Chris.

"I'll call them," he suggested.

"No. I just need somewhere to sleep for tonight and then I'll go back tomorrow, I just need to calm down... please..."  she begged. 

"Okay..." I sighed, "Come on, you can sleep in the guest bedroom, as long as you promise to go home tomorrow" I led her to the guest room.

After settling her in, Chris and I went back to our room, "What do you think happened?" Chris questioned.

"I honestly don't know, she's a sensitive kid, anything could have happened," I replied.


The next day

Katie's POV

Colin and I woke up and got ready for the day, we decided to let Clemmie sleep in after what happened yesterday but after a couple of hours, I went to go and check to see if she was awake as we had a meeting with the producers. As I opened the door to her room I noticed her closet opened and clothes all around her room, her bed empty. I screamed and fell to the floor, Colin came rushing through. We phoned the police to try and find her. I can't believe she would run away. "Has she ever run away before?" The officer asked.

"Yeah once before," Colin answered.

"Has there been any trouble at home that may have caused this," he asked.

"No," I answered. The officer left to go and talk with his colleagues. After a few minutes, I recalled what happened last night, "Oh my God," I said in disbelief while sitting down.

"What? What is it?" Colin asked kneeling down.

"What if she overheard our conversation last night? That was what set it off last time... I need to text the cast to tell them to look for her," I said pulling out my phone.

Melissa's POV

As Chris and I were eating breakfast we got a text from Katie telling us that Clemmie had run away. Chris and I got up and went to check on Clemmie who we thought was still asleep, but she was gone. I called Katie to come over. Chris came over to me. "She's taken money from my wallet, check your purse. As I rumbled through my purse I found that all my cash had been taken.

When Katie came over, she was a mess, "Where is she!" she shouted as she came in, she looked in all the bedrooms until realising she had already left, "She's gone..." she said in despair as she fell on to the couch her head in her hands, "Did she say anything? Anything at all?" she pressed.

"She mentioned  how she has been causing trouble and upsetting people since the day she was adopted..." Chris started.

"Did she say anything about where she might be going?" Colin asked he looked as broken as Katie. I could not imagine going through anything like this with my children.

"She said she wanted to go home, is that helps anyway," I replied. "She said she would head back to your apartment this morning," I said, "Is it possible she's there?" I questioned.

"No, we were there all morning," Colin answered.

"Could she have meant another home, like the orphanage or her home with her father?" Chris questioned.

"How would she be able to afford a flight?" Katie asked through her tears.

"With the money that she's been taking from our wallets," Chris said.

"What?" Katie asked.

"She's taken the cash from mine and Chris' wallets. Has she taken any from yours?" I explained. Colin and Katie looked at each other.

Adopted by Katie McgrathWhere stories live. Discover now