Chapter 24

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As I entered the classroom I tried to take one of the available seats as soon as possible. However, I was soon stopped by a man, "You're new," he stated.

"Yes, sir," I replied, not quite sure what he wanted me to do.

"Well, take a copy of Macbeth, and you'll just have to pick up where we are. I'll try and find a student who can lend you their notes. Have you ever studied Macbeth before?" he questioned.

"Yes, sir. I read it a couple of times when I lived in England," I answered

"Did you like it?"

"I'm not really a strong reader, but I do find the culpability of the witches unfair as they did not force Macbeth, or Lady Macbeth for that matter, to commit such crimes," I explained. In all honesty, I don't enjoy reader Shakespearean texts. But I do find them easier to understand.

"I see, please take a seat," he said. I turned around and saw that the majority of the class was now sitting in their seats staring at me. I saw one available seat next to a blonde-haired boy. I walked as quickly as possible to that chair.

"Suck up," I heard Olivia whisper, as I passed he desk she stuck her foot out, luckily I noticed it and jumped over it. I sat down in my space and saw Olivia giving me a cold glare before turning her attention back to the teacher.

"Nice jump," I heard someone say. I looked over to my right and saw the blonde-haired guy looking at me.

"Yeah, well, I've had a few of them before," I replied.

"I'm Jake," he said sticking out his hand.

"Clemmie," I said shaking it.

"You're the new kid from England, right?" he asked.

"Does everyone know?" I whispered, getting out my notebook and pens

"Liv's kind of obsessed," he chuckled.

"Liv?" Everyone I've met so far has referred to her as Olivia.

"She's my sister," he admitted, "Kind of annoying actually," he added, taking some notes. The rest of the class went fine, luckily we only covered one soliloquy and Mr O' Conner did all the reading.

At lunch, I sat with Cara, Alex and Sophie, as Tash had a band to rehearse with. "So how was English?" Alex asked.

"Yeah it was alright I made friends with a guy named Jake," I said. Alex almost spat out her food and Cara looked at me.

"As in Jake Peterson, Olivia's twin brother?" Sophie asked.

"What did he say?" Cara asked coldly.

"We just talked. Why, what's the matter with him?" I questioned.

"He's the captain of the football team, and is a huge jerk," Cara answered.

"He also gets to know you, so you confide in him. Then he goes and spills it to Olivia," Alex added

"Really?" I questioned, then it dawned on me what Olivia had said at break, "Wait, is that what she mocked you about at lunch?" I asked Cara, she looked down at her plate and nodded.

"Yeah," she mumbled, "I had a crush on her last year," she admitted

"But that was way before you found out she was a huge bitch," Sophie said, trying to lighten the mood.

After lunch, I had maths, which I didn't mind. I'm not great at it. But I'm not great at most subjects. I'm just waiting for exams to happen, then mum and dad will start to realise that I struggle.

When I arrived home that afternoon, I walked Koda and completed my homework, as mum was still at work and dad had to go run some errands. I was sitting on the sofa watching Netflix, when mum arrived home, "Hi honey, how was school?" that was the first thing she asked me?

"Yeah it alright," I replied.

"Just alright?" she questioned, trying to get more information out of me. I nodded, I guess it couldn't hurt to tell her about it.

"Yeah, I made friends with a group of girls. I made friends with Alex during Drama, and Tash, Sophie and Cara at break," I explained, "And Cara has these amazing blue eyes..." I started ranting.

"Sounds like someone might have a crush," mum teased, I just smiled goofily and blushed like hell.

"Yeah, well, I need to go to bed. I have school tomorrow," I said, trying to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

"Okay... Clem?" she asked.

"Colin's not going to be here for the next few months, so will you be alright at home on your own for a couple of hours after school?" she asked.

"Yeah, I mean I've got to look after Koda, and I might go to a friends house or something. It should be fine," I replied. I didn't mind it when dad wasn't home, as it meant I had a bit more freedom, and I got to spend more time with mum.

A/N I've puplished a new story called Our Legacy, go check it out and comment on it!!

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