Chapter 30

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It was still early in the evening when we arrived at Mel's, as I entered her apartment, I was greeted by Chris and all their dogs. I went to go put my bags in their guest room.

"Clemmie, can we talk to you?" Mel called.

"Sure," I said making my way to the couch.

"What were you going to do if I wasn't going to come and collect you?" Mel asked.

I looked down at my hands and mumbled, "Runaway," My eyes wandered around the room avoiding their eyes but I heard Mel sigh.

"Clem, you can't just run away every time something bad happens. It's not a good way of dealing with your problems,"

"I know, it's just easier,"

"But does it solve the problems?" Chris questioned

"No," I muttered, "But I just felt betrayed," I said, my eyes glossy with tears, "I didn't mean to upset her,"

"I know you didn't but she will be hurting, and seeing as Colin is out of the country she's alone. So, I'm going to go back over and spend the night there. You will stay here with Chris. After school tomorrow you are going back home and apologising to your mother, understood?" She asked. I nodded in response, fearing that I would start crying if I said another word.

Soon after that conversation, Melissa left and it was just Chris and me.

"So what do you want to do?" He questioned.

"I think I'll just go do my homework and get an early night," I replied.

"Okay, I'll be out here if you need anything," He explained opening a script. I was about to head out when a question came into my head.



"Am I a bad daughter?" I asked.


"Am I a bad daughter?" I repeated.

"No, no. Why would you ask that?"

"Just after everything that's happened, I guess I just feel like I'm a waste of space,"

"You're not a waste of space," He said patting the seat next to him, "You are a beautiful, wonderful caring, crazy girl. That we all love. It's just sometimes you're a bit much for your mom, which is why your cool aunts and uncles take care of you when she needs a break. You are not a bad daughter, you can be a handful, but you're not bad. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," He told me.

"Thanks," I said hugging him.

"Now go, because what Mel told us, you've got a busy day tomorrow," He said

"Okay," I sighed getting up and heading to the guest room.

Melissa's POV

I let myself into Katie's apartment, which was almost in pitch black besides some light coming from the kitchen area. "Katie?!" I called. I put my bag down, hung up my coat and headed over to the light, only to find Katie slumped at the counter with a half-finished bottle of wine and an almost empty glass.

"Hey," She said, pouring another glass. It looked as though all her happiness and life had been drained out of her.

"This seems familiar" I muttered, "How are you holding up?" I asked

"Well, Colin's in another country and Clemmie is at yours. So, what news from you?"

"Clem's staying with Chris tonight, and I'm going to spend the night and then-" I was stopped by Katie waving her hand.

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