Chapter 21

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I woke up to something pulling off my covers and jumping on me, "Ugh!" I grunted, I looked at what was on me, "Hey, little man," I said scratching him behind his ears. I got up, showered and got dressed. As I headed to the kitchen I heard the pitter-patter of tiny paws running behind me. Before I got to the end of the hallway I stopped to pick up the tiny pup. As I entered the Kitchen Katie was already up and reading with a cup of coffee, "Morning," I greeted, as I sat down on the sofa.

"Morning," she replied, scratching my puppy behind the ears. I can't believe he's all mine, "Have you thought of a name yet?" she questioned.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Have you come up with a name for your puppy yet?" she repeated.

"Oh," It's never dawned on me, until now, that I've got to name him, "Um, I was thinking something like Oakley or Phoenix, or maybe Koda," as I said the last name his ears pricked up and he cocked his head at me.

"I think he likes that one," Katie giggled, before getting up off the sofa, "What do you want for breakfast?"

" think I'll just have cereal, thanks. Do you know where dad is?" I asked, getting a bowl out.

"He's still asleep," she replied.

-Time skip to a week, or so, later-

Today was Thanksgiving, and we were heading to Melissa and Chris' place for dinner, "Do you think Koda will be okay?" I asked.

"Clem, for the hundredth time he has Oisin and Spinee," Katie replied.

"Yeah, but he's still so small... And Mel and Chris did say he could come," I pleaded.

"Fine... But if he's naughty at any time we're leaving, deal?" she explained.

"Deal," I answered, we left the apartment and walked to Mel and Chris'. We arrived at around half seven.

"Hey guys, come on in," Mel greeted. We headed inside to find that the entire cast was there, even some of the producers. I headed over, with Koda hot on my heels, to Chyler who was watching some sort of sci-fi movie.

"Hey," I greeted, patting a spot on the sofa for Koda to jump up on, he climbed up and leapt up at Chyler.

"Hey, buddy," she said trying to avoid his licks, I laughed at him, he always gets hyper around Chyler and Mel for some reason. I saw Katie giving me a warning look from the kitchen. I turned back to Koda, to try and calm him down.

"Koda, down. Koda," I said repeatedly while getting a hold of him, "C'mon settle down," he eventually calmed down and went to go play with Chris and Farley.

Eventually, it was time for dinner. Everyone sat around the huge table, which had a very large turkey on it. I sat opposite mum and dad and next to Chyler and Nicole, "You excited?" Nicole asked.

"Honestly? I've never celebrated anything, we never really celebrated Christmas, and Thanksgiving isn't really a thing in England," I explained.

"So have you ever had turkey or stuffing before?" she asked.

"Not that I can remember," I answered, earning a gasp from her. Just then Mel stood up.

"So, I know we're not on the show. But... it is a Danvers' family tradition to go around the table and say what we are thankful for," this earned a few chuckles from the adults, " So, who wants to go first?"

"I'll go," Chris said, "Mel, these past few years have been amazing, without you, I don't know where I would be today. You are the most caring, gracious, kind-hearted and funny person I know. I'm the luckiest person in the world to call you my wife, and I hope to many more years with the love of my life," he said, earning a hell lot of 'awws' from everyone. After this everyone went around talking about the past year, and what they had been thankful for. Eventually, it came to me and I had no clue where to begin.

"Umm..." I said standing up, "I've never celebrated Thanksgiving before, so I apologise in advance if this toast really isn't good. I just want to say thank you to everyone in this room. First to the cast, although we've only known each other a matter of months I honestly see you guys as my family. Mel and Chyler, without you guys, I don't know what my mum or I would have done, without your amazing help. But I especially want to thank my mum and dad. Mum, you first met me when I accidentally bumped into you on the street. But then again on a park bench in London with nothing but my satchel, a sketchbook and some pencils. And for some reason, you felt the urge to adopt me pretty much the next day, and dad I'm pretty sure you didn't really get a say once mum had made up her mind. Now I know that I wasn't really the best you could have hoped, with me trying to run away on the first night, but I knew, even if it didn't like it to you, but to me it was the first time, in a very long time, that I truly felt safe, happy and more importantly loved. Okay, we've had our ups and downs, but that's what makes it an adventure, right? I hope to have many many, many more special moments like these with the people I love the most," I looked at everyone, who pretty much was either shocked or almost crying after that. I looked at Mel and Chyler who were crying silently, Chyler bringing me into a side hug, Mel came round to join in. I looked across the table to see Dad, on the verge of tears with his arm around mum, who was crying. I got up and went to give them a hug, "I love you guys, thank you so much for giving me this second chance," I whispered just loud enough for them to hear.

Honestly, without everyone here, I don't know where I would be. The rest of the night was either spent eating or watching movies together on the sofa, I honestly could not imagine anything better, than being with the people I love.

A/N : Please if you have any ideas for more chapters, please send them to me.


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