Chapter 26

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Cara's POV

"I'm on the phone with 911, an ambulance is coming," Alex said, holding back her tears, "Cara has she got a pulse?" I checked her neck for a pulse, not wanting to go near the blood.

"Yeah, but it's weak," I said through tears, Alex passed on the information just as Mr O' Conner, Tash and some other teachers came through. "Sir, I-I don't know what to do," I explained as he grabbed some towel and rinsed it under cold water and pressed it on to her wrists.

"I need you to stay by her side and keep talking to her. Sophie go get the nurse, Natasha keep the other girls out until the paramedics arrive, we don't want this getting out of hand," he ordered. I kept talking to her until the paramedics arrived.

Once they arrived, they asked me questions on how long she'd been like this, and whether she'd done anything like this before. Mr O' Conner answered the questions about Clemmie's parents' information. The girls and I were taken out of the restroom so the Paramedics could treat her. We got out into the now packed hallway, the others were led to an empty classroom. I waited outside the door, I didn't want to leave her. As they wheeled her out on a trolley, she had tubes and wires all over her. I saw Mr O' Conner at her side. As they led her down the hallway I tried to follow her only to be stopped by a teacher. I looked around and saw Olivia smirking. "This was you!" I screamed ass I went and punched her, "YOU DID THIS!" I screamed as I kicked and punched her. I was pulled back by a teacher.

"She deserved it, she's a FREAK! And so are you!" she screamed back. This made my heartbreak, and I collapsed in the teacher's arms.

Katie's POV

I was sitting in my chair on set, reading one of my many books, with Melissa. When my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID, it was Clemmie's school. Why would they be phoning me during the school day? I got up from my seat to answer the call. When I answered the phone, and they told me what happened, I felt the blood drain from my face and I collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"Katie? Katie, what happened?" Melissa asked, kneeling down beside me, I turned and grabbed hold of her shirt and sobbed into her. A group was no forming around us.

"C-Clemmie... i-is at ... the-the hospital" I cried between sobs. I felt Melissa pull me into a tight embrace. "I-I need to g-go" I said, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I wiped my tears away and tried to get up.

"You're not going alone, in a state like this," she said, "I'll drive you," she said.

As we got to the hospital, Melissa parked the car and we ran to the front desk, "Clemence Morgan?" I asked.

"Relation?" the nurse asked typing on her computer.

"Mother," I said.

"Could you take a seat, the doctors are with her now,"

"No, I need to see her. I need to see my daughter!" I said banging my hand on the desk.

"Miss, I need you to take a seat. She's in the best possible care," she replied.

"Come on Katie, I'll wait here with you," Melissa said, putting an arm around me, leading me away. We sat down on the chairs, I saw a young girl and a man looking at me. "You know she can't do anything," Melissa stated. I nodded in reply.

"I know, I just... I don't want to lose her," I said shakily. Mel pulled me into a side hug, as the man and the young girl came up to me.

"Are you Mrs Morgan?" The man asked.

"Yeah," I said, annoyance clear in my voice.

"I'm Mr O' Conner, one of the teaching staff at Lord Byng Secondary School," he explained.

"Oh... um... thank you," I replied. The young girl whispered something to the teacher.

"Would it be alright if we stayed, to see her?" he asked.

"Um... yeah, yeah it would be alright" I answered. We stayed at the hospital for another four hours, some of the cast came and checked up, to see if she was awake yet. It eventually became dark and it was just us four waiting for Clemmie. After what felt like an agonizing forever a doctor finally came out. He looked around the waiting room.

"Clemence Morgan?" he asked. I immediately leapt from my seat and rushed over, with the other three close behind.

"Yeah, how is she?"

"She's stable for now. She lost a lot of blood. She's asleep right now, but you can go see her," he explained. I followed the doctor through the deserted hospital. When we came to the room I saw my daughter hooked up to all kinds of machines. I sat down next to her and held her hand, her wrists wrapped with bandages. Mel, Mr O' Conner and Cara came in after and stood at the foot of the bed.

After a while Mel left, to go home seeing as she had to get up in a matter of hours to film, "I'll come by tomorrow, to check up on you both," she said wearily before leaving.

Soon after Mr O 'Conner decided it was time to leave, "We should get going. Come on Cara," he said gesturing towards the door. She looked at me.

"I was wondering, might I be able to stay with you Mrs Morgan?" she asked.

"Cara, I don't want you bothering Mrs Morgan," Mr O' Conner said.

"It's fine, I'm staying the night, so I can keep an eye on her," I explained.

After a few minutes thinking this option through, Mr O' Conner replied "Alright. But you better be on your best behaviour," Cara frantically nodded, "And text your parents and let them know you're staying here," he stated. Cara started texting on her phone, as Mr O' Conner left.

Cara eventually fell asleep on one of the armchairs in the corner of the room, I walked over and placed one of the blankets the nurse gave me over her. I then returned to Clemmie's bedside and again held her hand, Eventually falling asleep myself, in the early hours of the morning.

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