Chapter 12

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Chyler's POV

As we entered Katie's house Clemmie went to her room and I went through to the living room with Colin and Katie.

"How is she?" Katie asked as Colin and I sat down.

"She's still shaken up, and I think she really wants you to know but can't," I started," She's just worried of what your reaction would be,"

"Want us to know what?" Colin asked.

"I don't know if it's my place to say-" I began.

"Chy it's my daughter I need to know," Katie insisted.

"Did Clem ever tell you about her past before Ravenswood?" I asked.

"A little, she told me that she was abused until she was six, but she kept it that vague, no details," Colin stated.

"Why didn't the orphanage tell us about her past?" Katie asked Colin.

"I don't think it was something she wanted people to know," Colin explained.

"Did she tell you about Mr Hunter?" I asked.

"That he was her father? Yeah," Katie said.

"Well it turns out that he not only abused and raped her, but he also confessed to her that he killed her mother," I said. I saw that Katie was close to crying, "Katie are you alright?" I asked she had tears in her eyes and I could tell she was trying to stop them.

"H-how could someone do that? To a child?" she said before breaking down, falling into Colin's shoulder.

Clemmie's POV

I sat at the top of the stairs listening to the conversation that was happening downstairs, I couldn't help but feel guilty and responsible for the pain that Katie and Colin must be going through. I decided to wait in my room until they had finished. I decided to read a book, to take my mind off what was happening in the other room. I must have been in there for over an hour before Katie and Colin came to see me.

"Hey, can we talk," Colin said leaning against my door frame. I nodded, I could tell he was shocked and upset, but I had a feeling there were other emotions as well. Soon after he sat down on my bed Katie came and joined us. "Do you want to talk to us about what happened on set?" he asked.

"My mum died when I was a baby after a car accident, my dad, Joseph, became an alcoholic and would abuse my brother and me. He would abuse me more than my brother. He would rape me and cut me but I wasn't old enough to testify when they sentenced him. So he only served six years. The other day when he grabbed me he told me something," I explained, but I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"What did he tell you?" Katie asked sitting next to me.

"He told me that... that..." I took another breath, "He told me that he killed my mum," I said wiping away a stray tear. "I just was so scared when he was around, in case something happened," I explained.

"Come here," Katie said opening out her arms, I rested into them, "You don't have to be scared, okay? Colin and I will never let him take you, you understand?" I nodded in reply.

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