Chapter 32

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As I followed Mum down the corridor, I started thinking about who was going to be on the other side of that door. Were they going to be nice? Friendly? Understanding? All theses thoughts swarmed my mind. It was probably obvious as Katie grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "It's going to be alright," She said, I just nodded in response.

As we walked in there was a woman waiting for us. "Clemmence I'm assuming?" she asked.

"It's Clemmie," I muttered as I sat down on a chair opposite her desk.

"Do you want me to stay for the first one?" Mum asked I nodded, as she took a seat next to me. The Lady closed the door and walked over to her desk.

"My name's Lauren Murphy, but you can call me either Lauren, Murphy or Dr Murphy whatever takes your fancy. I graduated five years ago from the University of British Columbia with a masters in psychology. I have an older brother and a cat named Archie.

The lady looked quite young, maybe around 30. Also, what does her life have to do with any of this? I thought that this was my therapy session.

"Cool," I replied awkwardly. Seriously anything else would have been a better answer.

"So what about you?" Dr Murphy questioned.

"What about me?" I asked. I quickly made a mental note to be mad at mum later for signing me up for this.

"What's your story?" She urged.

"Um... I'm sixteen, been in foster care in England since I was six. I got adopted last year," I decided to leave everything else, it didn't seem relevant.

"What grade are you in?" Murphy asked looking down at some type of clipboard. Shouldn't she already know this?

"Grade 10"

"So it looks as though you get out of school at 3:50 every day, correct?" She asks, still making notes on her clipboard. I nod in response. "Okay, do Fridays work for you?" She asks.

"Every Friday?!" I exclaim. Why would they need to be that frequent?

"Every Friday," Murphy repeats, "It'll only be for a couple of months," She explained. This is going to be absolute torture.

"Fine," I grumbled leaning back in the chair.

For the rest of the session, Dr Murphy asked me general questions, luckily none about my problems.

"So, how did day one go?" Mum asked as we walked back to the car.

"I hate it, please don't make me go back," I begged. Mum just smiled and shook her head.

"It'll help, I promise," She replied. Stop making promises that may not last.

I noticed that we weren't taking the usual route back home, Mum was driving towards where she works.

"Can I just stay home for the rest of the day? I kind of just want some alone time," I asked.

"By yourself?" she answered.

"I'm sixteen, you've let me stay home a million times before, why now. What's changed?" I asked, although I probably know the answer.

"Because, you're coming to set with me and that's final," She answered sternly, "Plus, the cast miss having a baby on set," I stayed quiet for a few minutes, looking out of the window at the passing cars

"You still don't trust me, do you?" I questioned looking over at her, now it was Mum's turn to be quiet.

"Honestly, no, I don't,"

"Wow," I scoffed, turning my attention back to the passing cars.

"I do trust you, Clem. I trust that you're a good kid and that you're not going to do irrational things but I still don't entirely trust you to be alone right now. Your father also agrees with me," She replies. "Can you blame us? Have you seen your scars?" Okay, now that was overstepping the line.

"Really?! You think I like seeing these every time I get changed," I said pulling up my sleeve, "You think I like what I've done to myself? I know I messed up, okay. But you don't need to bring these up to back up your argument,"

"Just stop," She mumbled, I scoffed again, putting in my earbuds and turning up the music full blast.

When we got to set Mum headed to Hair and Makeup while I headed to her trailer, still blasting music through my earbuds.

I was laying on the couch looking through social media when I heard a faint knock at the door. I stopped my music and went over to open the door. Before I could even see who it was I was tackled to the floor.

"I heard you were back," I heard a voice say.

"Boy, did we miss you," I heard another one say.

"Chy, Nicole what are you doing?" I groaned.

"Come to see the baby," Chy answered getting off of me.

"You guys know that I'm legally allowed to drive, right?" I answered.

"Yeah, but you're still the baby," Nicole replied.

"What do you guys want?" I asked, "I'm really not in the mood for talking to anyone," I explained.

"We haven't seen you since-" Chyer started and then stopped mid-sentence, thinking about what she would say.

"Since I cut myself," I mumbled.

"Anyway, the director let us off early. So, we thought seeing as your mom's here we'll come and stay with you," Nicole explained.

"You mean she sent you to keep an eye on me, great," I scoffed.

"Clem she cares about you more than anything in the world. Can you just cut her some slack?" Chy asked sternly, I look down at the floor. I know my mum cares about me I just don't like it. "Clem, you need help,"

I shook my head, Chyler came over and pulled me into a hug, and that was when I just broke down. I grabbed onto her shirt and sobbed into her shoulder.

"Katie told me you have a date tonight, do you still want to go?" Chy asked. I frantically shook my head, right now I just want to curl up and fall asleep. Cara doesn't deserve this, "Why don't you call them and explain that you've got a lot on now, okay?" Chy asks. I nodded and wiped my tear.

"Thanks," I said before exiting the trailer to make a phone call.

I tapped on Cara's ID

"Hey, Clem, is everything okay?" she asks

"Yeah," I sniff, "Everythings fine, but I'm going to have to raincheck our date tonight," I say disappointedly, I don't want to upset her but I honestly don't think I have the energy.

"Okay, do you want me to come over to your house and we can watch movies?" She asks, I think over it fr a few seconds. I don't have to go out for a date, right?

"Yeah, that would be great," I say.

"Okay, I'll be at yours for seven?"

"Seven it is, thanks a lot Cara. It means a lot," I say before ending the call. Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

A/N: I know it's been a long time. Honestly, I've got a lot on right now and I'm also kind of running out of ideas with what to do with this story. So, updates will be slow. If you have any prompts or ideas on where you want this story to go, it would be very much appreciated.

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