Chapter 38

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Not much has happened over the last month... Oh yeah, except that Mum and Dad unanimously decided that it would be better for me if I was home schooled. Seeing as I was having numerous coughing bouts during the school day, some of which led to me passing out. Brilliant! Which is why I'm now at home, at my desk doing school work. And failing. I haven't discussed my reading and recalling classwork with my parents yet, which I'm hoping I can avoid. But seeing as I'm sending my school the work I'm doing it means that we have to go to Parents' evening tonight. (A/N: I don't know if that's a thing in Canada so...) Yay!! 

We were heading into the main entrance of the school where we were met by numerous teachers handing out directions to each subject.

"Which subject do we have first?" Colin asked

"Drama," I replied, luckily I had started out with my strongest subject. I was kind of hoping it would butter them up before we got to History.  

As we approached Miss Bennett, she stood up and shook my parents hands before we took a seat. Me in the middle of course. " There's not much I can say about Clemmie's work, except to continue with whatever she's doing. She's the top of the class, pays attention gets the theory work in on time. Her scripted work is absolutely fine. She doesn't need to worry about anything  when coming up to exams," My teacher explained. Thank god Drama is a subject I do well at. History and English on the other hand, not so much. 

Let me basically sum up what each said. For English Mr O'Connor went over my most recent essay and picked out the points I need to focus on more, which wasn't bad. Luckily, because I had already studied Macbeth, my work didn't show any weakness in reading. History, on the other hand, was an absolute disaster. Mrs Henry told my parents about my issue with struggling to read long passages and how I was lagging in classes. It's not my fault the Canadian history is confusing!

And withing the space of that evening my parents started talking to Olivia and Jake's parents. At that point I made a dash to Alex and Sophie.

The journey on the way home was... tense, to say the least. We rode in silence until Katie spoke up, "Why didn't you tell us you were struggling in class?"

"Because it wasn't that big of a deal, I was passing, all my classes," I replied.

"Yeah, barely," Katie scoffed.

"Well sorry I'm not strong in the academic side of school, it wasn't something I was relying on back in England," I argued

"Okay, it's late, how about we discuss this tomorrow when we're not so tired, yeah?" Colin interjected, before this conversation got even more heated. 

"Fine, it's not like I'm going to get any sleep anyway," I grumbled as we all got out of the car.

The next day wasn't any better, I came down in the morning and Katie was sitting at the dining table. "Morning," I grumbled before taking my medicine. I was right I did not sleep well last night. The coughing was getting less aggressive, but I still struggled to breathe.

"We need to talk," She said matter of factually.

I sighed, pulling out a chair opposite them, Koda sitting down next to me, resting his head on my lap. "I really didn't think the whole reading thing was an issue. I managed fine back in the UK," I explained, before she could grill me.

"We wanted to know why you didn't come to us. We could've helped, Clem," .

"I know. I just didn't want you to see me as stupid," I answered.

"We would never see you as stupid. Stubborn, yes. But never stupid. Okay?" Katie said, I nodded in response.

"Anyway, we've been discussing something for a while," Katie started, just as the door opened. In walked Colin and a very familiar face.

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