Chapter 1

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He hit his jaw and you could hear the punch, the sound from skin on skin, bone against bone. The sound of this violent fight echoed over the camp, cheering boys behind. They celebrated the cruelness of the second in command, beating up another boy for uncertain reasons.

Another punch, Thomas bend over, spat out some blood and kicked Felix against his leg, making him scream in pain. The lanky blonde boy stepped forward and hit multiple times the face of the other boy with heavy, violent punches. You thought that what you heard was Thomas's Skull cracking, but your assuming turned out wrong, as you saw blood puring from the boys nose like rapids in a river, crashing against his lips like a wave against a rock.

Thomas went down, gulping and aching, neihertheless Felix stopped hitting him, in a cruel, ruthless way you had never seen.

He gave you the chills. Nonetheless your fear of ending up like Thomas,- beaten up and choking on his own blood-, you often disobeyed him. He never harmed you, yet, just stamped angry away. He often gave you some weird look, was scanning you up and down as if he were looking for something.He was obeserving you whenever you were around. His shark like eyes pierced through your body when walking around. At first you did not notice, then, one day, he was sitting on a branch, chewing on a toothpick and with his club in his hands, just starring at you for a whole time, might thinking you would not notice, but you did. He would not let her left his eyes, not for a single second. You did not count, but were sure he was watching you for an hour at least, just sitting there, high up in the trees.

Felix left Thomas there, like every other boy and you saw in the beaten up boys no bravery anymore, only sadness. Stepping outside of the narrow trees and bushes, forward to the bleeding boy, you sat down on his side.

'Hey.' You whispered sad and touched his cheek. 'Everythings gonna be okay. I won't leave you here like this!' You whispered and he grabbed your hand with eyes closed, trying to breath and repress the pain.

You grabbed the boy under his arms and pulled him over the ground to your tent. He was as tall as Felix, which means he was too heavy so it took you almost an eternity to do so. You stopped nearby your tent, out of power, then grabbed some water, towels and other medication supplies from your world with you.

Thomas flinked whenever you touches his bruised face with the warm, wet towel. If he did not want them to get infected, they had to be cleaned, and also be stitched.

'I have to stich up some of them.' You told him and he shrinked again, just at the thought of a needle. You sticked your hands in his brown, wavy hair, his head resting on your lap.

'I will give you an injection so you won't feel anything. Promise.'

He nodded so you started to fix up his wounds, then checked his body for other wounds, knowing Felix mostly hit the boys head, but just making sure. He drank the water that you gave him, and was forbidden to eat or the painkiller could not work correctly.

'Can you sit up?'

He could, but he was very weak within. Still, he handled to stand up, took up his spear and went into the woods hunting, like nothing had happened. He left you there statled and almost laughing. These boys were incredible. Took up beatings like nothing and the they went on. He did not even thank you.

Lost boys.

Suddenly Felix approached next to you, you noticed as you stood up and turned around. Screaming at his sight, you fell in shock backwards on the ground. Panting you looked at him and laughed unsure, not knowing if he was going to choke you to death instantly, or just wanted to talk.

'Where the hell did you come from?'

The second in command did not answer the question, neither did any muscle in his face move. He had the same cold gaze as always, a piercing blue, eyes that reminded you of a shark. He was never lighted by a smile, not even now, he was not even making a joke about you like every other boy when someone, especially you, fell down.

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