Asgard - You

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To say that your head hurt would have been an understatement, as when you tried to open your eyes a blinding headache pulsed across your forehead and throbbed behind your eyes.

Wincing, you raised your arm to cower from the source of the light and turned your head away so that your eyes had time to adjust comfortably.

Your mind was as blurry as your eyesight as you tried to remember what had happened, though when it all came flooding back you wished you could forget again as the rush of memories caused your head to hurt more.

Judging by the last thing you remembered, you expected to be either on the classroom floor or in the academy infirmary.

The noises surrounding you, however, sounded like neither.

"I see you're awake, thank the Norn's."

Your eyes finally came into focus and you found yourself staring up at the face of a young, pleasant looking woman in a strange beige robe.

"What?" You asked, still feeling confused.

As best as you could, you turned your head and scanned the room, noting that while you were in an infirmary, it was not the one at the academy.

This one was larger than the one at school, darker too from what you could tell and the technology that was lingering around, with the near holographic screens and weird readings on them seeming far more advanced that what was at the academy.

"Where am I?"

"Don't worry, ma'am, you are safe," the kind woman replied, her fingers flittering over the screen beside your bed, "we have called for your husband."

"Husband?" You replied groggily, getting more confused the more she spoke.

"Yes, you collapsed suddenly after your tea in the garden with the All-Mother, we were all very worried."

You stared up at her, not fully taking in what she was saying as your mind raced a million miles an hour.

"All-Mother," you parroted.

"But worry not, we have checked you over," she tucked away the screen and turned to you, still smiling that too sweet smile, "and everything seems to be fine."

You slowly shook your head and moved to sit up, attempting to throw the sheets away from you.

"No, I have to go," you mumbled, your head protesting just as much as the woman lingering over you.

"Oh no," she shook her head and gently pushed you back down, "you are to stay here until we give you the all clear."

"But you just said everything seems to be fine," you pouted, but didn't move to sit up again.

"I did," she nodded slowly, "but we would prefer to keep you here for a while longer, just to be sure."

Your world seemed to slow down as her hand moved through the air and came to rest on your stomach, her next words coming out slowly.

"For you and the baby."

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