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You were sat in the already prepared nursery, rocking gently in a white painted chair and taking in the room that sat around you.

It was strange, being in this situation, carrying a child in an older body while still mentally being quite young despite being in your late teens.

Taking everything in was surreal and it screwed with your head a little, though that may have also been the new hormones that were coursing through you thanks to this baby.

"What are you doing?"

Turning your head, you see Loki stood in the doorway, looking at tired at you felt.

"Just thinking," you murmured in response, your hand subconsciously running over your protruding stomach and feeling the life inside moving. Creepy. Weird. Somehow comforting.

"About what?" He asked, closing the door behind himself and walking over.

"This, us, everything."

He nodded slowly then crouched down beside the chair, arms resting on the armrest and stopping the chair from moving.

"Don't worry, we'll get home soon, I've been speaking to Mother and explaining everything, she's working on helping us."

"I appreciate that, even if it will be weird going back to how things were."

Loki chuckled, adjusting his position so that he was sat cross-legged on the floor beside the chair.

"I doubt that will ever happen."

You tilted your head and looked at him curiously, "Oh?"

"Please," he smirked, leaning back on his hands, "after last night? You really expect things to just go back to normal? Back to us being barely enemies?"

You laughed and shook your head, "Come on, Loki, we may not get on but I'd barely count you as being even close to an enemy."

"Really? Because you barely seem able to tolerate me most of the time."

"Only because Amora is around to drape herself on you and it's sickening."

Loki's smirk widened.

"Am I sensing a hint of jealousy?"

You stared at him for a moment, mind jumping between denial and admittance until you let out a long, loaded sigh and slowly nodded.

"Yes, actually."

Loki's eyebrows shot up and his jaw dropped, even the God of Lies struggled to mask his surprise at the revelation.

"Pardon?" He asked, no trace of amusement in his voice, just shock.

"You heard me," you sighed, running a hand through your hair that felt a little thinner than you were accustomed to.

You heard the scuffing of Loki's leathers as he shifted around to stand and move in front of you, looming over you with a look of sheer uncertainty.

"You're pulling my leg."

You frowned and looked at him, letting out a huff as you crossed your arms over your chest, which caused a dull ache to rise in your sensitive areolas as you made the gentlest of contact.

"It's not funny, Loki, I'm finally telling you the truth and you refuse to believe me."

"It's not that I refuse, it's just so," he paused and shook his head, pulling his mouth to one side as he thought of the word, "unexpected?"

"Great," you rolled your eyes.

"No, hear me out," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I genuinely thought that you disliked me, we've always had this kind of rivalry."

With a bit of reluctance, you had to nod in agreement.

"So," he continued, "I didn't think that our relationship would take this kind of turn."

"Our relationship? What? The one where you hate me but I crush on you badly?"

"I never said I hated you."

"Actions speak louder than words."

Loki didn't respond, instead he stepped away and looked around the room, turning in a slow circle as he took a moment to think.

"So what now?" You asked, getting bored of the silence.

He stopped and looked at you, giving you his charming smile that somehow looked even better on this adult version of him.

"Tell you what, let's get home and we'll discuss where to take this."

"Do I get a say in the matter?"

"No, you can't avoid me forever."

"True, but I can try."

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