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"My, it has been so long since I saw that face that I almost forgot just how rounded it was."

The older-bodied Loki looked at his mother as if she had just slapped him in the face while the younger one chuckled and nodded his head.

"I did grow to be quite gaunt," he replied, "perhaps it was the diet of pure wine that did it."

That earned him a sharp look from himself, who huffed and crossed his arms.

"If we're done insinuating that I am chubby-"

"Now, dear, no one said that," Frigga laughed lightly, smiling in a way only a mother could, "I am not a master of lies and nor do I think it to be a bad thing, merely fact."

"My cheeks are definitely a little hollower now," the younger-bodied Loki nodded, looking at his original vessel, "perhaps we shouldn't switch back."

"Hey, I'm not putting up with your crotch goblin," the other grimaced.

"Excuse me? How dare you refer to my child as such."

"Why wouldn't I? Is it not true? This is evidently far from my future as I don't wish to have children."

"So be it, should life take you in that direction."

"Boys, may we please get back on track?" Frigga asked, looking between them both.

"Of course, mother," they replied in unison.

"Wonderful," she clasped her hands and moved across the room, taking a seat on the chaise longue in front of the tall window. "I do believe there is a way to right what has been wronged, but it'll take a lot of power."

"So all of us combined should be able to do it," the young vesseled Loki said.

"Perhaps, there's every chance only two of us will be needed to make it work, I'm not too concerned with our abilities if I'm being honest."

"Then what is?"

"My concern is how it could impact your wife or the child."

He frowned, looking at his older body before turning back to his mother.

"That had slipped my mind," he sighed, "I hadn't thought of that seeing as the original switch happened so smoothly, but it was a natural move as opposed to being forced from one body to another."

"Perhaps there is a way around it," the other Loki thought out loud, staring at the floor in concentration, "we can spend some time researching different methods and hope there's a way to do this without stressing either of them out."

"And if we can't?"

"Well," Frigga sighed softly, "I suppose she will have to wait until she has given birth."

Both men froze, sharing a look as a thought passed that they could finally agree on.

"We'll find a way," the younger one nodded, "I doubt my wife wishes to miss out on this milestone in her life and it wouldn't be fair to her younger self to force her through something she had no decision in."

"I'll talk with her as well," the other replied, "just to warn her that there is a possibility we can't fix it until after and we'll take it from there."

"We'll find a way," Frigga smiled reassuringly, "something that will make everyone happy."

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