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"This isn't working," Loki sighed, staring at the mini dimension in defeat, "I have no idea what I could have done."

"Knowing you, something that didn't actually have anything to do with the project," his wife laughed faintly, staring into the swirling abyss, "if it was even you, not that I know what I could have done."

"I don't recall this happening in our reality, so what my dumbass other self did is completely beyond me right now."

She sighed and leaned back, tapping her fingers on her arm as she continued watching the colours swirl.

"Where do we go from there?" She asked, one of her hands moving to habitually rub at her stomach.

"We'll just have to keep trying, though each classroom has a security camera so maybe we can get the footage and observe it to see what happened."

"Hey, that's an idea, but you really think Fury will just let us look?"

"Why not?" Loki shrugged, "it's not as if we're asking for much, he can even be there if he has to be."

"That may involve having to explain our predicament to him."

"Then so be it, as long as we get an end result."

They both shared a smile and the flickering glance they gave each other hinted towards the kiss they both wished to indulge in, however the chance was broken when the door flew open and The Enchantress strutted in, throwing her long, blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Loki," she drawls in a tone that was supposed to be alluring as always, "I was wondering where you had gotten to."

"Amora," he greeted quickly, glancing towards his wife, "why would that be?"

"You don't remember?" Amora cooed as she draped her arms around his shoulders, resting her head beside his, "you agreed to take me out to dinner."

Loki's eyebrow quirked as he tilted his head to look at her from the corner of his eyes.

"I don't recall that."

"Well you did and you're not postponing it again for this ridiculous science project."

His expression soured as he looked towards his wife, telepathically asking for help.

Instead, she gathered up her things and quickly stuffed them into her borrowed school bag before hastily getting up out of her seat.

Loki had known her long enough to see that she was trying to hold back her dislike for The Enchantress, something she had admitted to one night during a conversation about past relationships.

Though her Loki hadn't dated Amora, it was well known that she had made many attempts to garner his attention and it appeared as though in this reality her fears had come true.

What that meant for the future of this version of themselves was a mystery, but one she didn't particularly wish to be around to find out.

"I guess I'll leave you both to it."

"Hm, perhaps you should," Amora said, attempting to stare her down with a possessive smirk.

She only rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to flip her off, instead choosing to focus her energy on turning away, putting one foot in front of the other and heading out of the door.

"Hey!" Loki called after her, "wait!"

"You two have fun," she yelled over her shoulder before closing the door behind her.

Loki stared towards the door silently, the blonde's weight feeling heavier than it had mere moments ago as a knot formed in his stomach.

He hadn't noticed anything in his dorm room that suggested a date, no written down reminders of times or locations, so this had come to just as much of a surprise to him as it had to her.

Would she believe that?

He didn't truly know, he suspected that she would but people are predictable at times.

Loki had no doubt that she was merely playing along with their current roles, not wanting to change anything drastically for the future of their currently inhabited bodies.

However, that didn't stop him noticing the flash of hurt and possible jealousy in her eyes.

"Great, now that we're alone," Amora hummed, breaking the silence, "tell me, you did book somewhere outside of the school grounds? I'm not making an effort if you're going to get lazy about it, I want something worthy of me."

"Hm?" Loki frowned and looked at her again. "Oh, yeah...I suppose so."

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