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"Are you absolutely certain about this?"

You look at the cup that Frigga had carefully handed to you, being mindful of the contents that splashed about inside.

How was this woman so graceful that the liquid barely seemed to move when she handled the fine crockery?

"I am as certain as one can be about unpracticed seiðr," she smiled comfortingly.

"That's really not mind settling," you laughed faintly, looking at the unfamiliar concoction.

"It's Frigga," your other self smiled as well, one that matched the All-Mother's to a strange degree, "if anyone is to be trusted, even in experiments, it is her."

"And what about Loki?"

"Where do you think he learned it from?" Frigga chuckled, her smile becoming a little slyer.

Your eyes trailed from Frigga back to your cup and you swallowed thickly, your nerves beginning to spike a little.

It went without saying that she wouldn't have suggested the idea if she wasn't sure without any doubt that this was safe for the baby, but you still found yourself fretting about somehow messing up something so precious to your other self.

It wasn't that you didn't trust her, it was more that you didn't trust yourself.

An inner voice was sneering at you, telling you that you would somehow mess up the mere act of drinking something.

However, you couldn't hesitate, there were others depending on you and although you didn't need the additional pressure, you wanted more than anything to come through for them.

Your leg was bouncing and you tried your best to stop your hands from trembling as nerves and adrenaline started to course through you.

Under the watchful eyes of Frigga and your other, possibly future self, you took a deep breath and raised the cup to your lips.


"So, you're certain about this?"

Loki looked at his younger body, who gave him a wry smile and a nod.

"I am, you're definitely my younger self, though now you've slipped into a different timeline," he chuckled softly, sounding older than his temporary physical appearance, "I never jumped into my future self."

Loki smiled, dropping his head back to stare at the tall, decorated ceiling above them.

"This is strange, thinking that one day this could be my life."

"Is it really that surprising? You like her, don't you?"

Loki looked at the other from the corner of his eye, smirking lightly.

"I'd lie to you, but I know it's useless."

"Of course I do, she is my wife and we're having a child, I know all about you."

They both laughed, looking at one another.

"So this is real, huh? This is my life," Loki said.

The other one nodded, his smile becoming content as he looked to the finger on Loki's hand where his ring was, not a custom to his people but one he happily indulged in for your kind's traditions in marriage.

"It will be," he answered, "if you make the right decisions."


"I can't tell you that."

"Fine," he sighed, "so how long have you been married?"

The other Loki chuckled and gave him a little wink, his nose scrunching up as he smiled.

"I know your tricks, you're not sneaking the answer out of me."

"Damn, it was worth a try."

"If you say so."

The other Loki's face softened and he looked down at his interlinked fingers that rested in his lap.

"All I know is that if you do make the decision I did, that it'll be something you will never regret, not even during arguments or when she's being a little hormonally charged, it's all worth it."

"Who tends to start the arguments?"

"Honestly? Me."

"I should have seen that coming."

"I'm surprised you didn't."

They fell into a brief pause, staring at nothing as they each got lost in their own thoughts.

Finally, the other Loki slapped his knees and let out a long breath.

"Well, let's get this done, shall we?"

"I'm charged and ready to go," Loki said with a nod, trying to ignore the butterflies that were rapidly growing in his stomach.

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