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The wait for your apparent husband was getting to be a long and tedious one, especially as the nurses refused to let you move until he arrived.

You appreciated their concern, but you also really wanted to get up and figure out what was happening.

At some point you had fallen asleep, the stress of everything that was happening and the warmth of the bed leading to you just dozing off, though the sudden pregnancy shock probably also had something to do with it.

Your brain just needed a moment to shut down and relax.

You likely would have been asleep for a while longer had the doors to the infirmary not opened loudly and people hadn't started rushing about, their racing out rousing you slowly from a very deep nap.

"My Prince," one of the healer's proclaimed, causing you to turn your head towards them.

This healer was a different woman from the one who had greeted you when you first woke up, she was considerably older with strangely styled brown hair and a harder face, though she smiled more often than you would have thought.

"I heard news about my wife?"

That voice sounded all too familiar, the inflections and distinct accent causing dread to pool in your stomach, but you also picked up on what sounded like hesitance in the question.

"Yes, yes, she is right over here," the healer replied just as you could hear footsteps getting closer, "we just wanted to keep her in for checks, though they are both doing fine."

"Both?" Came the reply of that terribly alluring voice, "how many wives do I have?"

The healer laughed and pulled back the curtain to your bed, stepping aside to let the newcomer step up to the bedside.

"You are funny, my prince."

A tall man stepped past her, giving her a humoring smile as your world suddenly seemed to heat up.

You were devastated as your cheeks flushed while your eyes roamed over this man in his almost skin tight clothes, his long dark hair brushed back and away from his sharp features, pale skin accentuated perfectly by the black and blue eyes looking down at you in surprise.

"Loki?" You managed to choke out, hoping your hot cheeks weren't too noticeable.

He replied with a gasp of your name in return, his expression torn between amused and stunned.

This was unbelievable, at least you were yourself and hadn't ended up in some random woman's body, but you were evidently inhabiting the body of an older version of yourself.

Who just so happened to be married to an older and strikingly handsome Loki.

"I shall leave you two for a moment," the healer said, "but I shall return shortly for a status report."

Loki nodded at the healer and watched her retreat, once the curtain was pulled back and whirled back to you, his eyes wide and holding a teenaged confusion.

"What the hell is going on?" He hissed, struggling to keep his tone down.

"How should I know?" You answered, slowly pushing yourself to sit higher on the bed, "one minute we're in the science room and the next thing I know, I'm waking up here, married and pregnant."

He seemed to flinch at this news and his eyes shot down to your stomach, how he hadn't noticed the huge bump in the first place was a mystery to you but you guessed that, considering the circumstances, you could let it slide.

"Oh my god," he groaned, running a hand through his hair and grabbing onto a handful of strands, "what do we do?"

"I don't know, but I suggest we do it quickly."

"Why?" He looked up at you in a panic, "are you giving birth?"

"What? No, I don't think so," you shook your head, "but I'd like to leave before I do, I don't want to push this thing out, that hurts a lot."

"So I have heard."

"So you know if the stories from my history are anything to go by."

Loki sighed and rubbed his forehead, closing his eyes.

"They aren't in my life, that was one of my many other lives, thank you for reminding me."

You smirked in triumph, feeling like you have somehow gotten revenge for what he was putting you through.

"You're welcome, now, what do we do?"

"We go home," he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"All right, genius, how do we get home?" you looked at him pointedly, "we don't have our mini portal to play with and I don't know time or reality travel mumbo-jumbo."

"I know how to shift through space and realms, but not particularly time."

Loki pulled up a chair and sat at your bedside, his arms resting on the comfortable mattress.

"I told you using magic was a stupid idea."

"Yes, thank you for reminding me of that as well."

"You're the magic user and you did this, you need to find a way to sort this out."

Loki rolled his eyes and sat back, crossing his arms over his chest like a sulking child just as the healer returned and pulled the curtain back with a ceremonious flare.

"Okay, let's give you the status report, shall I?" She smiled brightly, starting up the screen you had seen the other healer using, "seven months already, hard to believe it, right?"

You and Loki gave her humoring looks and remarks, playing along as best as you could with your new roles, ones that you would have to adapt to for however long.

Though for the most part, each of you were in your own thoughts, your hearts jolting at the fact that you had barely two months to find a way back to your academy-selves unless you wanted to be married and parents to a newborn.

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