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If there was one thing you hadn't been expecting with the sudden pregnancy, it was the spike in your libido.

Sex wasn't anything that you had really focused on, instead you were paying close attention to your work at the academy and doing the best you could.

Sure, over the years there had been crushes but never anything that really evolved further than mere friendship, so the rising and falling of sexual need was starting to get tiresome and irritating.

Admittedly, you'd never had a thing for Loki, a fact that seemed to shock many of your peers.

Sure, you could see why others would lean towards him, you weren't saying that he wasn't attractive or alluring but his charm never really worked on you, it always came across more as cocky and annoying.

However, there was something about adult Loki that got your heart racing and your arousal peaking.

Maybe that was your secret all along, young Loki did nothing for you because you liked older men.

Or perhaps it was simply because there was something devastatingly handsome about adult Loki.

You couldn't put your finger on it, guessing that perhaps it was a mere coincidence due to him being at home, but during your predicament Loki had been calm and collected and acted amazingly maturely, at least when you were around others, and something about that seemed to spike an attraction to him that much more.

That mixed with the added hormones and you found that you had a wavering urge to test out sex in a body already accustomed to it before having your own first time.

You'd felt two spikes of pregnancy induced arousal since you found yourself in Asgard, but it was that evening, upon returning from the market that it hit you hard.

Loki had left you to your own devices after you arrived back, so you decided to go to your room, have a long bath to sooth your aching muscles and then slip into bed with a good book you had taken from your new library.

You had managed to fit in four chapters before Loki returned, looking drained and ready to end the day.

Wordlessly, he walked to the bathroom and left you to your reading as he bathed, there was a strange domestic comfort to the silence that was only filled with the sound of him filling the bath and the occasional splashing that could be heard.

It was nice.

If this was really the reality that depicted what your future was going to be like, you thought, then maybe it wasn't so bad.

You weren't entirely sure about having kids yet, but you had many years to dwell on it.

Finally, the door clicked open and you looked up as Loki stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of tight-fitting boxers, towel drying his hair while padding across the room.

You found that you couldn't tear your eyes off of him.

Loki was deceptively lean, muscled in a way that you would never guess he hid under the armour that he wore and his thighs were, to put it in modern Midgardian terms, thicc.

The droplets running down his pale skin, his dark tousled hair that accentuated the colour of his eyes that flittered between blue and green, his sharp cheekbones and the way the material of the boxers curved around his hidden goods sent a shiver through you.

Biting your lip tightly, your mind drifted to what you wanted that man to do to you, or at least what your current body wanted him to do to you.

"Enjoying the show."

Your eyes snapped up from Loki's crotch to his face and amused smirk, his eyes glinting as your cheeks heated up.

"No," you answered too hastily, lifting the book up, "not at all."

"You're a terrible liar."

"I'm not lying."

"I repeat, you're a terrible liar."

Loki chuckled and threw the towel to one side, then he lifted up the covers and climbed underneath.

He shifted closer to you than you were expecting, his cool hip and shoulder flush against yours as he leaned over to look at the book in your hands.

"Oh, that is a good one."

"It has been so far."

He nodded and grabbed his own book from the nightstand, looking over the cover and opening up to the first page, ignoring the bookmark between the pages that showed where his adult-self had read up to.

Another quiet fills the room as you both focus on your books, or at least attempt to.

You found that you would read and re-read the same passage and you were suddenly feeling hot and flustered, your 'husband' sitting next to you being too much of a distraction.

It was the final straw when Loki slipped one hand beneath the cover and placed it on your thigh, letting his fingers knead your skin and send shivers up your spine.

"Loki," you gasped softly, looking at him with a pleading look.

Pleading for him to stop or him to make a move you weren't sure, either would work.

Loki lowered his book and smirked at you, his eyebrow quirking a little in suggestion.

He knew what he was doing and he was enjoying it, so much so that he was pitching beneath the covers.

Neither of you knew how to stop yourselves when your instincts took over and you engaged in a kiss that eventually grew too heated and into something much more.

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