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The carriage ride to the market was surprisingly bumpy and every so often you'd find yourself having to grab hold of something to stop yourself from jostling too harshly, there had been a few times when the movement had caused discomfort in the large bump protruding in front of you.

Loki had watched with a concerned frown before standing up, having to hunch over due to his height, and moving to sit beside you, your legs resting against each other's and bumping as the carriage jostled again.

"What are you doing?" You asked gently, trying to not sound accusatory.

"You looked uncomfortable and I was worried," he replied, looking out the window to his right.

You couldn't help but smile, it wasn't often that Loki was anything but up his own ass around others so having him acting so preciously about you was heartwarming.

It didn't do much to steady you in the long run, but it was nice to know that he was at least trying to keep you comfortable.

After what felt like an eternity, the carriage came to a stop and the door was opened from the outside.

Loki climbed out first and then took hold of your hand, helping you ease out of the carriage and get stable on your feet.

He may have been a total ass at school, but you had to admit that he played his role as husband and soon-to-be father very well.

Once you were out and stable on your feet, he laced his fingers with yours and carefully led you through the street to the market square center, lightly swinging your hands.

"You know, you play your role amazingly well," you smiled, glancing down at your hands.

"Of course, I kind of have to."

"By treating me delicately?"

"Yes," he sighed softly, "even if it's mine by technicality, you are carrying my older self's child and that is precious cargo and I can't risk allowing anything to happen to it."

"Them," you laughed, "whether it's ours, theirs or Amora's, it's still a baby and not an it."

"Amora?" Loki glanced down at you as if you had four heads, "why on all of Midgard would she be having my child?"

"Well you are dating, aren't you?"

Loki rolled his eyes but quickly shifted to a smile and waved at a nearby couple who were keeping a stall of delicious looking jams in a variety of flavours, just looking at them made my stomach growl.

"If it isn't Prince Loki and his darling wife," the gentleman said, his voice croaky with age.

"Good afternoon to the two of you as well," Loki replied with a polite dip of his head, while you smiled warmly. "I see your wares have caught my wife's eye."

You laughed softly and shook your head.

"I wonder whatever gave that away."

"Well, you are more than welcome to take a jar," the woman spoke, her eyes shining kindly.

"I shan't take one for free," Loki replied with a kind smile.

"But we insist," she pushed, almost desperately, "one jar wouldn't hurt."

"Then a compromise, we shall buy two jars and take a third for free."

The couple took a second to think over the proposition before reluctantly giving in, no doubt knowing that Loki wasn't likely to change his mind and it would give them an advertising advantage in the future.

"Of course, take your pick," the man smiled.

Loki looked at you and then indicated for you to choose three flavours, which you did with a perhaps too eager smile but you'd put that down to the fact that you were suddenly craving apricot jam on toast.

"This will be amazing," you grinned widely, cradling the three jars to your chest.

"I take it the lady likes her jam," the woman of the stall laughed, opening a small tote-like bag for you to place them inside.

"At the moment I do," you chuckled in reply, "it'll also come in handy for baking some jam tarts, a particular favourite of Loki's."

He glanced down at you at the mention of his name and then laughed, pressing a hand to his chest.

"Guilty as charged."

Loki then pulled out a pouch and shook out some coins, exchanging them for the jars before bidding the couple a farewell and taking your hand again, leading you further into the market.

You had to admit, you were surprised and impressed by just how different he could act around other people.

Through your time in school you were used to him being a petulant know-it-all with a penchant for winding people up, witnessing this complete about turn of his personality was amazing and you had to admit that you found it admirable and maybe even a little attractive.

Perhaps you'd comment on it later, but for now you had to focus all your energy on meeting the Asgardian people while trying not to keel under the weight of the baby and the ache of your back and swollen feet.

One stall down, too many more to go.

It had already started to appear as if that afternoon would be an interesting one for you both.

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