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After gathering their thoughts and deciding where to go from that point, they decided the best course of action was to go to one of their dorm rooms and try to decipher what gad gone wrong using the notes in their old school bags.

"It'll be past curfew soon though," she commented, looking at the time.

"Ah, yes, the curfew."

Loki sighed and chewed on his lower lip.

It had been so long since he had attended the academy that he'd forgotten about the rules of dorm visiting times and when students were allowed to roam the premises freely, of course most students, being spies and wanna-be heroes, ignored this rule but it was best not to test their luck until they had reunited themselves with school-life.

"Maybe we should separate for now and regroup tomorrow?" He suggested, looking at her.

"I feel that may be our best idea," she nodded, giving him a small smile, "though it'll be weird not sleeping next to you for the first time in many years."

"I know," Loki laughed, "just as it's weird not seeing you with my child."

"The things you get accustomed to, though it's nice to not feel like I'm about to fall through the floor with my own weight," she laughed.

"You may like it," he smirked, moving closer and resting his hands on her hips, "but I think you happen to look amazing while pregnant."

She looked at him with a loving smile and placed her hands on top of his, gently moving his away from where he'd placed them.

"Not so openly, Loki, remember? In school it was you and that other green-clad girl?"

"What?" He frowned, "you mean Amora?"

"I think so? I knew her as The Enchantress," she shrugged, "or there was Black Widow."

Loki rolled his eyes, "Please, Black Widow seemed to have chemistry with everyone, she was obviously a school favourite and many rumours sparked every time she interacted with another."

"Yes, but you still seemed to have a thing."

"There was no thing, believe me."

"Either way, we can't be 'us' while we're here, not openly at least."

He sighed again and frowned a little, almost pouting like the child he practically was.

"That'll be hard."

"You'll manage, I'm sure."

"Can I get at least one more kiss before we have to split off?"

She rolled her eyes but smiled, grabbing hold of his wrists and pulling him closer once again.

"Fine, but don't get used to it."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Loki leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, snaking his arms around her waist while hers wrapped around his shoulders.

Eventually, with much reluctance, they pull away and give each other looks of disappointment at having to split up and go to separate rooms for the night.

With a saddened sigh, she picked up her old backpack from the floor, tucking everything inside and shuffled it onto her shoulders.

"I guess we'll check over the notes we currently have," she said.

"It seems the best idea, who should keep hold of the portal?"

"You can, I don't have magic to stop it if anything else happens."

"And you think I can?"

"You have a higher chance than me."

Loki looked at her then at the portal and sighed, reluctantly nodding.

"Fine," he carefully picked up the metal frame the portal was in, holding it at arm's length like it was going to bite him.

She laughed and headed to the door, pulling it open and stepping aside to let him out.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, unless The Enchantress catches you first."

He wrinkled nose a little and shook his head, "I'll try to avoid that," he chuckled before his eyes sparked, "hey wait, this gives me a chance to see if my Strange theory was correct."

"Strange theory?" She raised her eyebrow, "as in something strange or the student?"

"The student."

"Oh, what about him?"

Loki gave her a small smirk and winked before walking off, his chuckle echoing down the corridor.

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