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You awake the next morning feeling more rested than you had in a while.

The bed you were in was ridiculously comfortable, the sheets were warm and the unexpected baby bump was cradled nicely on a pregnancy pillow.

You were comfortable to the point of not wanting to get up.

The decision was, however, taken from you when the door opened and three serving girls rushed inside.

"Good morning, ma'am," a blonde girl with too wide eyes said, bowing deeply as she came to a stop at your bedside.

"We do hope you're feeling well this morning," another with light brown hair piped up after, holding a tray on both hands.

"We know this pregnancy has been very hard on you," the third, a petite grey haired women smiled tiredly, she was evidently the one with years of weary experienced compared to the others.

"It's been something," you nodded with an unsure laugh, feeling a little overwhelmed with having these three strangers at your bedside.

"Indeed," the older woman said, her eyes flickering to the other girls, "I shall help her up, Listher, I would like you to run her a bath," the girl with blonde hair bowed and rushed to the bathroom, "Amira, you shall choose her clothes for today."

Amira nodded and carefully handed the tray to the older woman, once it had been safely passed over, she stepped around her and moved across the room to a wardrobe larger than anything you had witnessed back at home.

Slowly, you pushed yourself up and moved back to rest against the headboard, the woman set the tray over your legs and then moved the pregnancy pillow, setting it to one side.

"How are you feeling this morning?" She asked politely, linking her fingers as she let her hands hang under her stomach.

You paused for a minute, using the excuse of taking a bite out of the offered breakfast to stall and think of an answer.

Despite the strange circumstances, you weren't feeling terrible, in fact you were feeling oddly giddy and chipper that morning.

"I feel fantastic," you finally answered with a smile.

"You do have a particular glow about you today, ma'am."

You looked towards Amira, who was giving you a smile while setting an overly extravagant dress on the end of the bed and brushing it down for any imaginary dust.

"Thank you," you dipped your head towards her before taking another bite, your stomach appreciating the food.

"Though you'd been quite aglow since you and Loki managed to conceive, isn't that right Eluise?"

The older woman, now dubbed Eluise, gave a nod of agreement to her worker and turned back to you.

"It's no surprise, you did have trouble with it after all."

"As many couple do," you answered, trying to sound as knowledgeable about it as you could.

"Yes," Amira laughed softly while walking back to the closet, "but not many have the trouble you had, what with the mixture of genes and everything, no one thought it would work."

"Amira," Eluise snapped, "you know we do not speak of such things, know your place."

You would be lying if you said that your curiosity was peaked , but unfortunately you were in no position to question anyone but Loki, so you merely shrugged it off and gave them both a smile, mentally noting to ask him things later.

"Speaking of, where is my husband?" You looked between the two, ignoring how strange it still felt to refer to Loki in that term.

"He is currently seeing to his morning duties with Odin and Thor, no doubt he shall join you after dinner as usual," Eluise replied.

"Oh, of course."

"Now, if you are done eating, we must get you washed and dressed for your visit to the market square this afternoon, if you are feeling up to it."

Looking towards the window, you see a bright strip of sunlight coming through the still drawn curtains and feel a calm sereneness wash over you.

While the situation you were currently in was urgent, one day of taking things slowly couldn't hurt and there wasn't particularly much you could do anyway, not until Loki had investigated it.

You, on the other hand, had other matters to worry about, such as keeping yourself as stress free as possible so you didn't run the risk of harming your other self's child.

Slowly, you nodded and looked at Eluise with a smile as she lifted the tray from your legs so you could push the covers away and slowly ease yourself out of bed.

"I believe I am."

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