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It was a cold, rainy day in San Francisco. She walked, as quickly as she could carrying one of several boxes from the moving truck, to her new apartment. Her apartment was a few stories up, and the complex didn't have an elevator.

It was the last box, so she wouldn't have to worry about dragging another one through the rain and up the stairs. She placed the box next to the others, fumbling her keys as she tried to get the door open. As she was trying to get the door to open, there was a creaking noise of a door opening from behind her. She turned around, and she saw a fairly handsome man standing in the doorway. He was tall and muscular, with short brown hair combed neatly to one side. He had rough stubble framing his face. The man was wearing a plain grey hoodie and blue jeans. He looked up after closing the door behind him and met her gaze. In the dim light of the hallway, she couldn't really make out the colour of his eyes, but he was attractive nonetheless. He also looked vaguely familiar, like she had seen him somewhere or something.

"Did you want some help with those boxes?" he asked, nodding at the several boxes stacked on top of each other beside her door.

"Oh, umm, sure," she said. Moving them all wouldn't take that long by herself, but it would be a nice way to get to know her new neighbour. She opened the door and grabbed one of the boxes, kicking the door open. The apartment was small and a little run down, but she didn't expect much from a place with cheap rent. She placed the box in the kitchen, motioning for her new neighbour to place the box he was holding there as well.

"So you're my new neighbour, huh?" he said.

"Yeah," she said. After she put the next box down, she reached her hand out to shake his. "I'm Willow. Willow Ellison."

"Eddie Brock," he replied, shaking her hand.
"So that's why you look so familiar," Willow said with a small smile. She had been a big fan of the Brock Report and had been rather disappointed when it had gotten cancelled.

"You know me?" He seemed shocked that someone would recognize him even though he had gone live and done plenty of news reports. He's actually had a pretty decent following until his show got cancelled.

"Hard not to after what happened with the Life Foundation," Willow replied, though she could him cringe when she brought it up.

      "Suppose I did cause some drama there," he said with a small smile. He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

They finished moving the rest of the boxes into the apartment. They chatted a bit more, then he gave her what looked like a business card. Willow looked at it. It had his name in a nice print above his number and other business information.

"If you ever need anything, you can call or text me," Eddie said.

"Thanks," Willow muttered quietly, her mind more occupied with the fact that she had just gotten his number. She was freaking out on the inside and was struggling to maintain her calm demeanour.

"Did you want help unpacking?" he asked.

Willow shook her head. "No, it's ok. Thanks for the offer though." She didn't want to sound like she didn't appreciate the offer. "And thanks for helping with the boxes."

He shrugged. "It was no problem." He checked his watch. "I uh, got to go. Nice to meet you, Willow," he waved, then walked out of her apartment.

Did that really just happen? She thought. She had really just met Eddie Brock, and she had gotten his number? Nothing like this ever happened in her life, she was never one to have luck on her side. Maybe moving to San Fran was a good idea, she thought as she locked her apartment door.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please don't expect a regular update schedule, I've got school work and exams coming up. I'll try to post at least once a week though, so please hold me to that.

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