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The next months flew by Willow and Eddie grew closer. They went on more dates and had been a couple for six months.

Amber had started going out with a guy, Alex, who seemed decent enough. She was still struggling with trying to get a job as a fashion designer though, but her life seemed to be going alright.

Danielle's book had finally gotten published. A small publishing company had given her an offer, and though it was small, she had taken it as she needed the money. She still came to the coffee shop to write, claiming that the atmosphere helped her focus.

Eddie had planned something for their anniversary, though he hadn't told Willow anything. The only thing Willow knew was that he had planned something.

There was a knock on the door late in the afternoon.

Willow was dressed for the date, wearing a black flared dress with a cropped white cardigan and black flats.

She opened the door, greeted by a smiling Eddie. He was wearing a dress shirt and black trousers with his black leather jacket.

"Hey babe," he said, holding a bouquet of pink and white camellias. Willow smiled brightly, a smile that made Eddie's heart swell, never once forgetting how lucky he was to have this girl in his life.

"You're early," she beamed as he closed the door behind him. Willow brought out a vase and filled it with water as he leaned over the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, thought I'd make a good impression on my date," he joked lightheartedly.

"Well, you did make an impression, just not sure if it was a good one or not," Willow laughed.

"Whatcha' talking about?!" he said, a small smile on his face. "I came early and brought your favourite flowers!"

Willow giggled at her boyfriend's response. "I'm talking about the first time we met, remember? You looked sorta homeless," she joked.

"Wow," Eddie said, faking hurt. "You really know how to talk to a guy."

"I know, right? I'm a professional."

He laughed. "Why do I love you?" he said, kissing her cheek.

"Because I love me too."

He chuckled. "Well, my love, I have something planned for us this evening. Shall we leave?"

Willow laughed. "Stop acting posh. We both know you aren't," she said as they left the apartment, Eddie chuckling to himself.


"Okay, babe, we're here," Eddie said, getting off of the motorcycle. He then offered his hand to her helping her off the bike.

Willow accepted, entwining her fingers with his. She stepped off the bike, releasing his hand to smooth out the wrinkles in her dress.

She looked up, staring at the place her boyfriend had taken her to before their dinner. It was a nice jewelry store, with vibrant lighting and an air of luxury.

"I thought I would get you jewelry for our anniversary," Eddie said. "I would've picked somethin' out before but I wasn't sure if you would like it or not." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Willow giggled. "You're so cute," she kissed his cheek. "Of course I'd like it, but this is still a wonderful present."

Eddie looked at the ground in embarrassment for a few seconds before offering his arm to her. "Shall we go in?"

Willow smiled and grabbed his arm and they walked into the store.

Willow had been looking at the necklaces when two men walked into the store, one man walked up to the sales associate, one following behind.

"Give us the money or the woman dies," the man who walked up to the sales associate said.

Willow felt something being pressed against the back off her head. Her heart pounded in her chest. She sank to her knees, putting her hands in the air and letting her fearful whimper.

"I don't think so," Eddie said, walking fearlessly up to the robber near the sales associate.

"Eddie-" Willow was cut off by the sound of the safety on the gun being clicked off. She shuddered, realizing she may die tonight and never get to live a life with the man of her dreams.

Eddie punched the robber in the face, causing him to stagger back a bit.

The robber shot in retaliation, the bullet hitting him in the shoulder.

"Eddie!" Willow screamed. Her boyfriend had just gotten shot, and she was probably going to die tonight.

A feral roar escaped Eddie as he lunged forward in such an unnatural way that it looked like he wasn't in control of his body.

His hand closed around the man's neck. A black substance flowed out of his body, rushing over the wound before engulfing him entirely. He grew until he towered over her at nine feet. The substance grew fangs, which closed over his head.

Willow wanted to scream, but she found her vocal cords frozen. The thing that Eddie had become tightened its grip on the robber. It shot a tentacle at the man holding the gun to her head. The gun was ripped out of his hand and the man stumbled forward, terror clear on his face.

Willow closed her eyes, turning away and covering her ears. She looked up, and she saw the creature rip the man's head off with its teeth.

She screamed, drawing the creature's attention away from the corpse of the robber. The thing's form rippled in the middle, the black starting to recede into Eddie's body.

Fear consumed Willow. She got up and started backing away from him.

"Eddie...?" She squeaked out, her voice cracking.

"Willow... I can explain," he said, walking towards her.

The fear took control as she turned around and ran. She dashed out of the store and bolted.

"Willow, please! I can explain!" Eddie shouted, running after her.

Willow kept running until she could not move her legs to take another step if her life depended on it. She doubled over, out of breath and feeling the adrenaline start to wear off.

She grabbed her phone, fumbling with the latch on her purse as her hands were shaking. She called Amber, and when she didn't pick up, she called Danielle.

Thankfully, she picked up.

"Hey Willow, what's up?" She said casually.

"Hey Danielle. I need you to pick me up," Willow was breathless, struggling to speak.

"Oh my god. What happened? Are you okay? Did something happen during your date?"

"I'm okay, but something did happen during the date. Could you please come pick me up?" Willow glanced around, looking for something to indicate where she was. "I'm near the McDonald's."

"On my way. So, are going to tell me what happened or...?"

"I'll tell you in person. Thank you so much for picking me up."

"You sound really distressed. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just get here quick," Willow hung up on her. She sat down, putting her head in her hands, wanting to forget about tonight.

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