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"Give us one reason why we shouldn't kill you right now," they growled, baring their teeth. They shot an arm out, grabbing the remote from his hand and destroying it in their grasp.

"Simple. You attack me," he pulled out a gun and held against Eddie's head. "Your host dies."

Eddie struggles against the ropes, unable to free himself. He growled in frustration, his eyes turning white and his teeth sharpening.

"Uh, V? Can that happen when you're separated?" Willow asked. She had seen that happen before, but Venom had been with him.

"It hasn't before. Being bonded for so long must have changed him," V responded.

"Why are you doing this?" they spoke out loud.

Lucifer mumbled something under his breath. "Drake has the right idea. If I'm being truthful, symbiosis may truly be the key to saving humanity. That's why we needed to study a bond as strong as the one between you and Brock." There were too many pauses, his language too fancy, to be telling the truth.

The 'conversation' he had with Willow came back to her. The memory of him spieling about how he wanted revenge. How he had been planned to kill both of Eddie and V.

They snarled. "You can't lie to us. We know what you told our mate."

Lucifer' eyes widened. "W- well, you see, that was just for the... umm..." he struggled to come with a lie on the spot.

They took a step towards him. "Save it, asshole."

Lucifer, who was now seeming to realize how screwed he was, cocked his gun. "Take one more step and Brock dies," his voice trembled.

"Do you have a plan?" Willow asked, worried for her boyfriend's safety.

"Sort of."

"Perfect," she groaned.

They shot an arm out, knocking the gun out of his hand. Lucifer's eyes widened as they lifted him into the air. The gun goes off, narrowly missing Eddie, who flinched.

"Any last words?" they snarled. Lucifer whimpered. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. In one smooth motion, Venom bit his head off. The experience was not nearly as unpleasant as Willow had been expecting. She assumed it was because the symbiote was filtering the experience for her.

They turned to look at Eddie, who had cringed away slightly when Lucifer had been decapitated. He smiled at them. They walked over, freeing him from the ropes tying him to the chair.

Eddie stood up, shaking his arms slightly. "Hey, V. Who'd ya bond wi..." he trailed off as Venom slinked back into Willow's body.

"Willow? Oh, darling, are you okay?" He walked towards her, his features returning to normal. He cupped her head in his hands as he checked her over.

"I'm fine, babe. Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" She asked, concern filling her voice.

"He did..." he trailed off, avoiding eye contact. He stared silently at the ground, not wanting to talk about it. "But it doesn't matter. What matters is that you two are alright."

"Need to get back to Eddie," Venom said, black creeping across her hands.

"So... umm... how do I give him back to you?" Willow asked awkwardly, not knowing what to do next.

Luckily, Eddie did.

Before she knew it, she felt the familiar feeling of his lips on hers. He wrapped an arm tightly around her as she wrapped hers around his neck. The supernatural strength ebbed away from her, leaving her feeling vulnerable as Venom flowed back into Eddie. They broke apart for air, Willow leaning into the hug.

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