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" 'm sorry our date got ruined," Eddie said as they walked towards his motorcycle.

"You didn't know that there'd be gunmen, Eddie. It just sucks that two of our dates have been... interrupted."

Willow thought as they walked in silence.

"Hey Eddie," she tried to figure out what to say what she wanted to say. "I... umm... I just realized that I've never properly thanked you properly."

Eddie blinked. He hadn't been expecting that reaction from her. He was still recovering from his shock when she decided to continue.

"And Ven, I never really thanked you either."

Eddie smiled. "We'd do anything for you, Willow," their voices combined into one.

She hugged them, wrapping her arms tightly around them. "You two have saved me countless times. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. I... I should've thanked you sooner." She squeezed them tighter. "I love you. Both of you."

Eddie pulled back, brushing her hair out of her face.

"We love you too."

The kiss was long and passionate. His lips were soft, but the kiss was rough and needy. Eddie held onto her waist tightly, fearing that she might leave him.

They broke apart for air, resting their foreheads against each other. They stood like that for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company.

"Do you want to continue the date, darling?" Eddie asked, pulling away from her.

"Of course, love."

They ended up getting ice cream at a local gelato shop. They walked around a nearby park, eating ice cream and talking.

Venom had wrapped himself around Eddie's neck, imitating a scarf. When no one was looking, he would steal some of Eddie's ice cream.

"Ven!" Eddie laughed as Venom stuck his tongue out at him. "You've eaten half of my ice cream!"

"What's yours is ours," Venom said, taking more of his dessert.

Willow laughed as she watched her boyfriends argue. "You two are so cute," she commented as she licked her ice cream.

Both Eddie and Venom stopped bickering, turning to stare at her. The tips of Eddie's ears turned pink, and she was sure Venom would be blushing if he could.

"Not as cute as you." Eddie smiled.

Willow felt the blood rush to her face as she directed her gaze to the ground.

There was a pause. "Hard to believe that dinner was earlier today," Willow stated. "This is so much better than that." She gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

Eddie blushed. "Any moment with you is wonderful."

They walked the park for a while longer, leaving when it got dark.

They walked up the stairs together. Eddie and Venom stayed with her as she unlocked her door, putting her purse down inside of her apartment.

"Thanks for the wonderful night," Willow said.

"Thanks for going out with us," Eddie replied with a smile.

"Bye, Eddie. V."

"Bye darling," Eddie waves as Venom said, "Goodbye Willow."

Willow closed her door and got ready for bed.

She was woken up at three am by a series of notifications from her phone. She grabbed her phone tiredly, flinching away as she tried to adjust the brightness.

Danielle had been blowing up her phones with texts. Too tired to read through them, Willow opted to call her friend.

"What is it, Dani? It's 3am."

"What is it?" Danielle practically shouted. "Willow, you can't be serious."

"I, uh, may be too tired to think straight. Could spell it out for me?" She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up.

"What happened on your date, Willow?! Why was Venom spotted in a fancy restaurant?!"

"Oh. That. Wait, how did you know I had a date yesterday?"

Danielle sighed exasperated. "Willow, I was there when you asked him out."

"Oh yeah. Right."

"What happened, Willow! You haven't answered my question."

"Right. Uh, there were gunmen at the restaurant and they started firing at us."

"Oh my God! Willow, are you okay?" The panic in her voice was clear.

"I'm fine, Dani. They protected me."

Danielle was quiet for a few moments. "Are you sure you can trust them?"

"Dani, they've saved my life, like, three times. If Venom wanted me dead, I'd be dead by now."

There was another pause. "If you say so, Wills." Another pause. "Why were there gunmen?"

"I dunno. Maybe they thought I'm connected to the Demon of San Fran."

"... You are."

"That's true."

Danielle laughed. "You are so stupid sometimes."

"Can I please go back to sleep? It's too early for this."

"I'll call again later."

"See you later." Willow hung up, falling back asleep immediately.

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