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Every hour of the next day seemed to drag on for an eternity as she waited for the evening to come. Anticipation built up within her, and she found herself checking the clock every couple of minutes.

Eventually, 9 o'clock rolled around, and Willow was buzzing with anticipation and excitement.

There was a knock at her door. Willow jumped off of her couch and rushed over to open it. The door swung open, and she was met with Eddie with Venom's head resting on his shoulder.

"Hello, little morsel," Venom purred as Eddie said, "Hey, babe."

"Hi, loves." Willow smiled back.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Eddie asked.

"Yes, darling. I'm sure."

"Just make sure you're not seen," he muttered to Venom before being overtaken by the darkness.

"Hi, Venom."

"Hello, little nibble," Venom purred, offering her a large, clawed hand. "Shall we go?"

Willow accepted, taking their significantly larger hand in hers. "Where are we going?" She didn't think they'd be going to a movie theatre or a fancy restaurant. They couldn't go in those places without causing panic.

"You'll see soon, morsel." Venom lifted her up, holding her close as they took her to the roof. She closed her eyes, tucking herself closer to their massive frame as they ran up the side of the building. They sat her down on the roof, checking her over.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-yeah. I just... it feels weird when you do that."

"Do you still want to go?"

"Of course, love. I'll just... I'll be fine. I don't wanna ruin our date."

Venom ran their claws through her hair, crouching down to look into her eyes. "Are you sure, morsel?"

She smiled. "Yes, V. I'm sure."

They grinned, standing back up to their full height before hugging her close to their chest, tearing off to wherever they wanted to take her.

Willow closed her eyes, hugging herself impossibly close to Venom as they ran through the streets of San Fran.

"We're here, little morsel," Venom said, setting her down on the surface. Willow looked up, noticing that they were currently sitting on top of one of the tallest buildings in the city. Venom sat down next to her, holding her with one arm.

She took in the sights of the city, the lights dancing off the reflections of the buildings. It was a truly beautiful sight, one that she didn't think she would see if she hadn't come here.

"Why did you take us here, starlight?" She asked, gazing into their opalescent eyes.

"It was one of the things that changed our view of humanity," Venom said.


"Yes. This view made us realize that this world wasn't as ugly as we thought."

Willow tried to read their facial expression, finding it nearly impossible. "That can't 've been everything. Sure, this view is nice, but something else must've helped change your mind."

They were silent for a while, staring into the distance.

"What is it, love? I won't judge you."

"Eddie also made is change our mind. Helped us see that humanity was not all bad. That not everyone wanted to hurt us."

Willow was silent for a few moments. "You love him, don't you?"

"We love you, sweet morsel," Venom said, cupping her face with one hand.

"There's nothing wrong with loving more than one person, V. I mean, I love both you and Eddie, right?"

They were silent.

"So... what was your home world like?" Willow asked, trying to change the subject.

"Cold. Dark. Lonely. It is... much nicer here."


They spent most of the night up on the roof chatting. After awhile, Willow began to grow tired.

"Do you want to go home, nibble?"

She yawned. "Yeah, starlight."

They grabbed her again, keeping her safe as they ran back to their apartments.

They climbed through the window of Eddie's apartment, setting her down next to the couch.

Willow yawned again, glancing at the clock. It was almost 2 in the morning. No wonder she was tired.

"Thanks for the wonderful night, starlight," she smiled.

"Thank you for letting us take you out," Venom purred, leaning in for a kiss.

It was different. Venom didn't have lips, per se, and there was more tongue than usual, but it didn't feel wrong.

She pulled away for air, giving them a smile. They grinned, giving her a long lick across her cheek before the darkness peeled away, leaving a tired looking Eddie standing in front of her.

He yawned. "Do you wanna spend the night here?" he asked.

"Sure, love."

They walked to his bedroom, cuddling each other as they fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Also, 4K reads and over 100 votes? Thank you guys so much! I'm not going to have internet access for a week, so it'll be a bit before the next update.

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