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Willow sat in front of the mirror, getting prepared for the... well, she wasn't quite sure if it was a date or not. She was doing her hair and make-up, trying to put her best foot forward. She straightened her wavy brown hair, adding a gold necklace and earrings to her outfit. She wore a black dress with blue jeans underneath, adding a rose gold watch to finish the outfit.

She examined herself in the mirror, noticing how the jewelry brought out the gold flecks in her hazel eyes. She tried to apply red lipstick, sighing loudly when she accidentally smeared some onto her cheek.

Once she had finished fixing her make-up, Willow checked her texts again, confirming that she had the details right.

The coffee shop he had chosen wasn't too far, but far enough that she decided to take a taxi.

Willow arrived a few minutes early. She found a table to sit at while she waited for him to arrive. She checked her phone, sending a quick text to her friends.

She put her phone away, instead staring at the table. She didn't want to seem antisocial or like she didn't want to be there.

Willow looked up when she heard the door to the shop open. She saw Eddie walk into the shop. He was wearing blue jeans and a white v-neck, accenting nicely by a black leather jacket. His hair was neatly combed to one side, his smile lighting up the room.

He looked around for a moment before noticing her. He walked over to her, sitting down opposite her. It was then when Willow noticed the small box in his hand. He gave her the box, which she then noticed was chocolate. She set the box down beside her, thanking him as she did.

Willow smiled at him as they walked up to the counter.

"What would you like?" Eddie asked, smiling.

"A vanilla latte, please."

"Do you want something to eat as well?"

"I'm good, but thank you," Willow said politely.

Eddie walked a little closer to the counter to order. " I'll have a hot chocolate and a medium vanilla latte for this beautiful lady," the last part was mostly directed at her. Willow blushed, directing her gaze to the floor.

When they received their drinks, they walked back to their table, sitting opposite each other.

"You look stunning," he said as he sat down.

Willow blushed more. "Thanks. You look great too."

"So, how are you?" Eddie asked her.

"Alright," Willow replied. "I've gotten over some of the craziness of that night, but I think I still might be in a bit of shock."

He looked at her sympathetically. "What actually happened then? I had to leave before you could finish."

She took a deep breath before explaining. "My friend, Amber, asked me to cover her shift when she was sick. I was walking back to my apartment afterwards when a man shoved me into an alley. He held me against the wall with a knife to my throat. He was trying to rob me when that creature showed up."

Eddie took a sip of his hot chocolate. "So that thing showed up and stopped him?"

"Yeah. It told me to look away, but I still heard the screams of the mugger behind me." She could feel her heart beat faster in her chest.

Eddie noticed her becoming more distressed. He reached over the table to offer an open hand of her.

Willow accepted, entwining her fingers with his. It was comforting to know that he cared.

She decided to continue her story. "When I turned around, the thing was gone but there was blood everywhere." She tightened her grip, needing support. She shuddered when she thought about what she had seen.

He tightened his grip in response. Noticing her breath quickening, he said; "It's okay. I could imagine that what you saw was terrifying. You don't have to talk about it if you it's causing you stress."

She looked at him. This was the first time in a long time someone who was at least somewhat interested in her seemed to care about how she felt. Many of her exes had abandoned her when she needed them the most. They hadn't cared, hadn't even attempted to comfort her in her darkest times.

Willow smiled at him. She then removed her hand from his grip and placed it on her cup, taking a sip of her latte.

"How are things going with you?" Willow asked, changing the subject.

"Pretty good. The network offered me my job back, so things 've been looking up recently."

"That's great! I thought they would've offered it back sooner, considering you were right about the LIFE Foundation."

He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "You'd think."

Willow took another sip of her drink. "Did like, anything crazy happen with the LIFE Foundation? Was it just unethical medical testing or were there like, aliens or something involved."

Eddie shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Nah, just unethical medical testing. There were no aliens, as far as I know." He avoided eye contact as he said the last part.

"That's a shame. Would've made a great headline."

He laughed. "So, do you have any hobbies?"

"I like to draw and paint. I used to dance, but it's got bad memories associated with it now."

"What happened? If you're comfortable with sharing."

"I used to go to a dance class with Eric, my ex. He wasn't abusive or anything, it's just," she choked on her breath. "I- I lost one of my close friends while we were dating. I fell into a deep depression after it happened, and instead of being there for me, he left me. He abandoned me when I needed him the most. Many of my exes did the same thing. I just... I don't want it to happen again."

Eddie took her hand again. "Willow... what they did to you was awful. They left you when you needed them the most and you didn't deserve it. No one does. But if this does blossom into something more, all I can promise you is that w- I won't abandon you. Even in your darkest moments, I'll be with you," he looked her in the eyes as he spoke. He sounded sincere, so Willow trusted him. He smiled reassuringly, squeezing her hand a little tighter.

"I didn't know you could sound so eloquent with a New York accent," Willow said, laughing a little. The humour lifted the mood.

"I suppose it would sound better from a British guy or something," he said with a laugh.

Time flew by as they talked. Willow noticed that Eddie seemed to stare at her lips as she talked, which she found kind of cute.

Eventually, they both had to leave. Eddie offered to give her a ride back to her apartment on his motorcycle, though she declined, opting to just take a taxi back.

"I enjoyed spending time with you Willow," Eddie said. "Thanks for coming out with me."

"Thanks for paying," Willow said, glancing down at the gift in her hands. "And for the chocolates." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, Eddie!" She called as she went to flag down a cab.

Eddie stood there for a few moments, shocked. Eventually, he put on his helmet and got onto his motorcycle.

We should go out with her again, Venom hissed inside his head. We enjoy her company.

Eddie nodded in agreement, starting up his bike and riding back towards his apartment.

A/N: Sorry guys this chapter isn't the best. Please bear with me the next chapter will be better I promise.

Also holy shit 100+ reads?!? I was not expecting that. Thank you guys so much!!

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