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Days faded into weeks as Willow got settled into her new routine. She had gotten a job at a coffee shop a few blocks away, so the commute wasn't too bad. She went for daily runs, though took Sundays off. She had also started watching a new TV show before dozing off each night.

Willow's apartment was also starting to feel more like home. She added furniture, decor, and had painted the walls a light grey colour. She added throw pillows to the otherwise dull grey couch. She had found a cheap carpet on the internet to accent her apartment. There was minimal decor in her room, as she didn't think anyone except her would be spending a lot of time in there.

She was getting ready for work one morning when she ran into Eddie again.

He was talking on the phone with someone just outside of his apartment. They appeared to be having a disagreement, based off of what she had heard of their conversation.

"No, V, we can't do that!" Eddie exclaimed. There was a pause. "Because it's a stupid idea!" he almost dropped his keys trying while trying to keep the phone near his ear and lock the door to his apartment simultaneously. He had almost finished locking the door when his phone fell.

"Shit," he muttered, finishing locking the door before retrieving his fallen phone. Willow laughed a little at his clumsiness, and that's when he noticed her standing there. He smiled awkwardly before returning to whoever he had been talking to before.

"Yeah, sure V, I'll get some later. I got to go. See ya," he hung up on 'V'.

"Hey, Willow. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" he said to her.

"It has," too long, in her opinion. "How've things been?"

"Pretty good. I've got a new lead on a story I've been working on for a bit, so things 've been decent. How 'bout you?"

"Alright. I got a job at a coffee shop not too far from here and I've made a few friends working there, so I'm pretty happy with the job."

He smiled. "That's great! I take it that's where you're headed? Not many people would be up this early if they didn't have to."

Willow laughed. "Yup. Trust me, I'm not a morning person. I'd sleep until noon if I could."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't be the reason you're late. See you soon?"

"Hopefully. Bye!" and with that, Willow walked down the stairs and to her job.


"Hey, Willow, how's things?" the familiar voice of one of her new friends, Amber. She had been with her for her first few shifts, and they were usually on together. She had grown close to Amber as she had really been the first person to talk to her after she moved to San Francisco. They talked about everything from the weather to the meaning of life during their shifts. They had been friends since their first shift together, and Willow was grateful to have a friend like her. Amber had sea blue eyes that shimmered in the light of the sun, light brown hair brushed to one side, and olive skin. Her apron covered the blue t-shirt she was wearing, which went nicely with her black leggings.

"Pretty good. You'll never guess who I ran into again," she had told Amber about meeting Eddie, though she hadn't told them they were neighbours.

Her eyes lit up. "Did you see-"

"Yup," Willow said, popping the 'p'.

"Are you like extremely lucky or-"

"We're actually neighbours." Amber spat out her drink, which just so happened to be tea. She blinked several times before responding.

"How have you never told me! Dude, I thought you would tell me if something like that happened!"

"Will do from now on. But yeah, me and Eddie Brock are neighbours."

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