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"Did you hear about what happened at that restaurant yesterday?" Amber asked as she made a coffee for Danielle.

"Yeah, I hear-" Willow was cut off by Danielle.

"She was there."

Amber's jaw dropped. "Were you there on your date?"

Willow nodded.

"Are you okay? Is Eddie okay?"

"We're both okay."

"Oh thank god," Amber murmured.

"Anyway, Willow. Could I talk to you in private? When you're done your shift."

"Sure?" Willow said nervously.

"Can I not be part of this conversation or something?" Amber questioned innocently.

"Not really. It's just something for my novel. I was getting Willow to help with it earlier," Danielle lied. Willow was a little surprised at how easily the lie slid off of her tongue.

"Oh. Okay."

Work dragged on for the next hour and a half. Willow and Amber chatted as they worked. Their shift eventually came to its end, and WIllow left to sit at Danielle's table.

"Hey, Dani. What did you want to talk about?"

Danielle looked up from her laptop, sighing exasperatedly. "What else do you think I'd want to talk to you about without Amber there?" She closed her laptop, tucking it off to the corner of the table.

"Look, Dani. I know you have reservations with me dating Eddie and V. But you have to believe me when I say they're trustworthy. They've saved me, what, like three times? I'm sure they wouldn't have done that if they didn't care about me."

Danielle was silent for a few moments. "I know they've done a lot to help you, and I know you care about them both. I just... I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust that alien."

Willow fidgeted with her sleeve. "Dani, I know I'll probably never be able to convince you. You can be incredibly stubborn. Just, please give them the benefit of the doubt.

Danielle looked a little tense, which Willow understood. Not many people had a best friend who has a murderous alien for a boyfriend.

"I dunno, Wills. Something about it just... makes me uncomfortable."

Willow knew that it was probably Ven's diet that made her... uneasy. "That's understandable."

The conversation came to its end, Willow and Danielle sitting in silence. Danielle grabbed her laptop and put it into her bag.

"Well, I got to go," she said as she stood up. "See you later."

"See ya." Willow stood up herself. She followed Danielle outside, waving as she walked towards her car.

The walk home was uneventful. She arrived back at her apartment in eight minutes, setting her things down and closing the door.

She sat down on her couch, scrolling through Tumblr.

Hours passed by incredibly quickly, and when she logged out, it was already 6:45pm.

She made herself dinner before going for an evening walk.

Willow was no longer scared of walking alone in the dark. Well, she was still a little afraid, though it was comforting to know her boyfriends were out there, keeping the city safe.

She walked down past the alley where she had first met Venom. She shuddered at the memory, but was thankful they had been there. Her views on them had changed since finding out that the creature who roamed the dark alleys of San Fran was her boyfriend. She now knew their side of the story, and was more accepting of them.

She wandered farther down the block, thinking to herself.

Willow kept walking, having no end in mind. She jumped when an extremely loud thud! came from an alley as she passed by.

Curiosity consumed her as she peered inside. There she saw Venom towering over some guy with a gun.

Willow walked a bit farther away, not wanting to witness what usually happened next. She stopped, looking back towards the alley. There she saw Eddie rush out of the alley towards her. He kept his head down, and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.

He walked briskly towards her, mumbling to himself, or more likely Venom.

He bumped into her.

" 'm sorry," he mumbled, keeping his gaze directed towards the ground.

"It's fine, Eddie."

He looked up, finally noticing who she was. "Oh, hey Willow. Didn't expect to see you here."

There was a pause. "Did you see what happened ba—"

She cut him off. "No. I mean, I saw Ven, but I didn't see the... ya know?"

He sighed in relief. "That's probably for the best. It can get a little... messy."

Willow laughed awkwardly. "I was going to ask what you were doing here, but umm..." she trailed off.

Eddie reaches up to scratch the back of his neck. "Yeah. Uh, Ven got hungry."

"So, uh, you goin' somewhere?" he asked after an awkward pause.

"No, just going for a walk." She stared into his blue-green eyes, which had a white glaze over them.

"Mind if we join you?"

"Not at all," Willow said with a smile.

They walked together, holding hands as they did. Venom had snakes out a couple of tendrils from Eddie's hand, not wanting to be forgotten.

"Hey, V." Willow smiled.

"Hello Willow," Venom's voice came from Eddie's mouth.

They chatted as they wandered, eventually ending up back at their apartment complex.

"Nice seeing you," Willow said as she fiddled with her keys.

"Nice to see ya too," Eddie said.

"See you soon, loves," she said, giving her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Willow," Venom said as Eddie said, "See you soon, babe."

She closed her apartment door, settling down for the night.

A/N: Sorry this chapter isn't the greatest. It will get better soon, I promise.

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