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"So, how'd your date go?" Amber asked as they started their shift.

"Pretty good. We talked the next day. He seems really caring, ya know?"

"He sounds a lot better than that asshole who cheated on you. What did you say his name was? Erin?"

"Eric. And yeah, he seems a lot nicer than anyone I've dated before."

They worked in silence for a bit. It was a rather slow morning. No one wanted coffee, apparently.

Danielle walked into the store a few minutes later. She looked exhausted.

"Hey Danielle. What's up?" Amber asked as she walked up to order.

"Nothing much. Inspiration to write hit at midnight yesterday, so I didn't exactly sleep."

"Sounds rough. The usual?"

"Yeah, thanks," Danielle replied, rubbing her eyes.

"How'd your date go with Eddie Brock?" She asked as Willow made her drink.

"It went well. I wasn't as awkward as I thought I was going to be so..."

Danielle and Amber both laughed. "You? Not being awkward? No way," Amber said as Danielle laughed.

"Guys come on, I'm not that awkward."

"Yes you are. Remember when you met us?" Danielle said, causing Amber to laugh.

"Okay. Thanks for believing in me guys," Willow said jokingly, slapping Amber.

"So does he seem like a decent guy?" Danielle asked.

"He seems great. Unlike everyone else I've ever liked, he actually seems to care."

Willow smiled sympathetically at Danielle as she handed here her drink. "You'll find the right person someday, God knows you deserve it," Willow said.

Danielle smiles at her. "After last time, I've been too scared to go out with another guy." She stared at the floor.

"That bastard deserves to rot in hell," Amber said. "What he did to you is unforgivable."

"Yeah. Well, I got to go edit. See ya," Danielle walked over to a table and started editing.

"With everything that's happened in her life, you'd think something good would happen to her," Amber said.

"You'd think. Between her abusive ex and struggling to make money, she can't seem to catch a break."

Willow and Amber worked mostly in silence for the next while, occasionally repeating orders to each other but not striking up a conversation.

Danielle thanked them before leaving towards the end of their shift. She waved, walking out of the shop.

Willow and Amber's shift eventually ended. They left, talking as they exited.

"So, how's life?" Willow asked.

"Decent enough," Amber said, sitting down on a bench outside. "I can't seem to get a job anywhere, it's like they don't even look at my resume," she placed her head in her hands.

Amber has been struggling to get a job as a fashion designer. She had been applying since Willow had arrived in San Fran, and had no luck anywhere.

"Amber, I've seen your work. It's incredible! Someone will hire you soon. They'd be stupid not to." Willow sat next to her.

Amber looked at her. "You really think that?"

"Of course I do! You've got skill, motivation, and hell, some of the best designs I've ever seen."

Amber beamed with pride, though she still looked sad. "If only they thought that," she mumbled to herself.

"Amber," Willow said, her voice firm. "Someone will. Trust me. Someone's going to recognize your talents. And that person will be extremely grateful they hired you."

Amber hugged her. "You're a great friend, ya know?"

Willow blushed. "Really?"

"Yeah! You care about me and help me through my problems when the world doesn't seem to give a shit. You've dealt with me at my worst, and yet you still want me in your life. Not many people are like that," her friend said.

Willow sat there for a few seconds, not knowing how to respond to that. "I'm sure there are plenty of other people like that out there," she finally settled on.

"Not really. Or if there are, they haven't popped up a lot in my life. You care, you see the good in people. It's one of your best qualities. Just never let anyone take advantage of it."

"You can't really think I'm like that, right? 'Cause no offence, it kind of sounds like you stole it from a tumblr post," Willow said, causing her friend to laugh.

"I may have seen something similar on there before..."

Willow laughed. "Of course you did," she was still laughing.

"Well, I got to go. Want to meet for lunch tomorrow?" Amber asked. "We could y'all more then."

"Sure. Does like, 1 o'clock work for you? I think that's when I'm free."

"Well, I don't have a life, so anytime works for me," Amber replied, Willow's laughter filling the air once again.

"You're not the only one without a life. Anyway, see ya then?"

"Yup. See ya tomorrow!" Amber called as Willow walked away towards the little apartment she called home.

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