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Work was slow the next morning for Willow and Amber. There were hardly any customers, and those who came were in and out quickly.

"So, how are ya holding up after everything?" Willow asked.

"I'm... okay, I guess," Amber replied. " I still can't believe Eddie's... you know..."

Willow nodded, remembering how it had taken her weeks before she talked to him after she had found out. "It's definitely a lot to take in."

Amber went back to making the drink, finishing it before talking to her again. "So, are you... dating both of them?"

"... Yeah," Willow responded.

Amber shot her a weird look. "Isn't that like... weird? Like..." she trailed off.

"... It is pretty weird, I guess. But I love them both." The last part came out more defensively than she meant it to.

Amber held her hands up. "I'm not judging you or anything. I was just wondering." There was an awkward pause, Willow's gaze falling to the ground.

"So... how's things going with Alex?" she looked up, meeting her friend's eyes.

"Pretty good." She didn't say anything more.

"And that job?"

She shrugged.

They went back to working in silence as the next customer walked up to the counter.

Work dragged on. Willow grew bored as the hours dragged on, Amber not wanting to talk to her.

After their shift ended, Willow stayed inside of the shop and called Eddie.

The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Is everything okay, love?" He asked, voice filled with worry.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Could you umm..." Her breath quickened. "Could you pick me up? I don't wanna walk home by myself." She felt weak for asking, self deprecating thoughts flooding through her mind.

"Of course, babe. We'll be there in 5 minutes tops."

"Thanks, mes amours."

"No problem, babe," he hung up.

Five minutes later, Eddie walked through the door of the shop. His eyes glanced around the shop before falling on her.

"Hey, babe," he walked over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks so much for coming," she mumbled into the hug.

" 's no problem, darling. Now let's get ya home." He pulled away, leading her outside.

They walked to their apartment, chatting idly as they did.

"Are you feeling okay, Willow?" He asked, entwining his fingers with hers.

Her gaze fell to the ground. "Just... ya know..."

He looked into her eyes. "It's okay, babe. You're safe. No one will be able to lay a finger on you while we're here." Venom's growl seeped into his voice.

"I know, loves. But the fear is still there."

They walked up the stairs, stopping in front of her apartment. Eddie seemed nervous, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie with his eyes focused on the floor.

"Umm... Willow, babe," he paused, finally lifting his gaze. "V wants to know if he can go on a date with you."

"Don't we already do that, love?" she teased, smiling.

He let out a small laugh. "Yeah, but he... wants to be in control. He wants to go get to know you better."

"Oh! Uh, sure!" Willow stumbled over her words. "Does tomorrow work for you two?"

"Yeah! Is 9 o'clock good for you?"

"Yup. I'll see you then?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, babe."

"See ya, darlings."

A/N: I'm sorry this is short and shit and it took me like, way too long to write. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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