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A soft kiss to her forehead woke Willow from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, a yawn leaving her mouth.

"Mornin' babe," Eddie's soft voice filled the room.

"Morning, loves."

"Sleep okay?" He asked as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Always sleep better with you around."

He smiled, pulling her in for a kiss.

He pulled away shortly after. "We have to go, babe."

"Already?" She asked though it sounded more like a whine.


"We could stay for longer," Venom interrupted, their head emerging from behind him. "We don't have to be there for a while."

"My boss said we had to be there early," Eddie protested weakly. "I don't wanna get fired."

"We could get you there on time. I know as well as you do that you don't want to go. Besides, our nibble needs us." They purred, nuzzling against her cheek. She let out a small laugh, planting a kiss on their head.

"Alright, you win," he said, shrugging off his jacket and kicking off his shoes before crawling in beside her. He wrapped his arms around her, eyes closing in contentment.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck, feeling his fingers run gently through her hair. He held her close, his stubble lightly scraped against her skin.

He smiled as he ran his fingers gently through her hair. The love of his life sighed contently, snuggly impossibly closer to her.

"Our morsel is adorable. We are glad she's ours," Venom purred inside his head.

She looked up. "You know, love, your face does this thing when Venom talks to you."


"Yeah. It's really cute."

"Not as cute as you, morsel," Venom's low voice rumbled out of Eddie's mouth.

After a few minutes of silence, he asked; "Move in with us?"

"I don't know..."

"Please, darling. We practically live together anyway."

"Give me some time to think about it, babe."

They lapsed back into silence as the rest of the world faded away.


"Hi, Wills. How's life?" Amber greeted as Willow threw on her apron.

"Pretty good. You?" The shop was empty, no customers were there. It was pretty late in the evening, not the time of day when many people wanted to get coffee.



"Yeah!" She could hardly contain her excitement. "I got the job!"

"Congrats!" She pulled her in for a hug.

"Everything's... everything's finally coming together," she smiled. "I'm just so glad everything's working out and—"

"Am I interrupting something here or...?" a new voice interrupted.

"Hi Alex!" Amber called out, smiling at her boyfriend. Willow looked up and was met with the warm brown eyes of Amber's boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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