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The loud ringing of her alarm clock woke Willow from her deep sleep. She rolled over, slamming her hand down on the snooze button. She pulled her covers back over her head, falling back asleep.

When her alarm clock rang for the second time. She turned it off, which may have not been the best decision, as she fell back asleep.

She finally woke up, only to see that her shift started in 15 minutes.

"FUCK!" Willow yelled, stumbling as she rushed out of bed.

Her morning routine was rushed, opting to not brush her teeth. She grabbed a box of cereal straight out of her tiny pantry, pouring some into her mouth. She threw her hair back into a messy bun, throwing on some clothes.

One of her shoes was only half on when she bolted out the door, sprinting down the stairs and towards the coffee shop.

She arrived just before her shift started, bursting through the door and rushing to help Amber get set up for the day.

"Hey, Wills. What's u--" Amber said, looking up from what she was doing. "Did you wake up late or something?"

"How could you tell?" Willow joked as they opened the shop.

"Least you made it here on time."

There was an awkward pause. "So, how's life?" Willow asked.

"Pretty good. I'm going out with Alex tomorrow, so..." Amber replied.

"That's great!" Willow smiled. She was glad her friend had found someone. "You're going to have to tell me about it. Where are you guys going?"

"I dunno. He said he's surprising me with something."

"Nice," Willow said as the conversation died off.

Danielle came in later than usual.

"Hey, Dani!" Amber greeted, smiling at their friend.

"Hi, Amber. Hey Wills." Danielle waved.

"Hi, Dani. The usual?" Willow asked.


"How's things?" Amber asked as Willow made her drink.

"Alright. Nothing really interesting happening right now."

"Ah right. All of the interesting or weird things happen to Willow. I forgot," Amber joked lightheartedly.

They continued talking even after Danielle had gotten her drink. She stayed by the counter, chatting as Willow and Amber waited for another customer.

Another person did come eventually. They were dressed oddly, wearing a black jacket over a black t-shirt with black pants and shoes despite it being a warm late spring/early summer day. The man also wore sunglasses, which appeared to be the only seasonal clothes that he had on. He also had an earpiece of sorts, which made Willow a little suspicious.

Danielle gave the guy a weird look before leaving to sit down at a table on the other side of the shop.

"One black coffee please," the man said, voice devoid of any emotion.

"Coming right up sir," Willow said, Amber starting on his drink.

"That will be $4.00," Willow said.

The man didn't say anything, he just pulled out five dollars cash and handed it to her.

She gave him his change and his drink, watching him cautiously as walked out to sit near the corner of the shop opposite where Danielle sat. Danielle stood up and moved closer to Willow and Amber.

"That was weird," Amber said, nodding her head at the man who sat in the corner of the shop.

"You can say that again," Danielle said, still staring suspiciously at him.

"Ya think he works for some shady organization? Like, his outfit clearly says that he doesn't want to be recognized," Amber theorized.

"Who knows," Willow said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Work was normal after that. Customers came and left, though that guy stayed where he was for the rest of her and Amber's shift. He was reading a book for the entirety of it, only looking up when Eddie had come in for a coffee before heading off to his job. He mumbled a few things into his earpiece, Willow being too far away to hear what he had said.

Their shift ended, Willow talking with Amber as they left.

"So, do you want to get lunch together or something soon?" Amber asked.

"Sure," Willow replied.

"Does Saturday work for you?"

"I think so. Where do you want to go?"

"Dunno. I'll text you later. I got an appointment to get to," Amber said, checking her watch.

"Okay. Well, I won't keep you from getting to where you need to go. See ya."

"Bye, Wills!" Amber waved as she walked away.

Willow turned around, putting in her earbuds and getting lost in the rhythm.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for 500 reads! I honestly didn't expect to get that many reads as quickly as I did.

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