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"What do you want from us?" Eddie growled, his voice dropping several pitches.

"Oh, not much. Just revenge," Lucifer said casually as if he were discussing the weather. He grinned evilly.

"Look," Eddie said. "Whatever you want from us, fine. But leave them-" he gestured towards Willow and her friends. "-out of it."

"I don't think so. Can't have someone run off and tell someone about me." He pulled something out of the pocket of his jeans. Her eyes widened as she realized it was the remote for the sound system. If it truly was the symbiote's weakness, she had to warn them.

"Eddie! Watch out! He's got somethi—" she was cut off by Lucifer shooting her a glare. She wasn't sure why it brought her so much terror, but a shiver crawled along her spine.

"Speaking of what your love was about to mention," he addressed Eddie. "I do have a little trick up my sleeve." He pressed a button on the remote.

To Willow, the noise was mildly irritating. It wasn't causing her any pain but was just generally an unpleasant sound.

The same couldn't be said for Eddie.

His entire body began to spasm. He clutched his head, covering his ears in an attempt to drown out the noise. He seemed to be phasing between his and Venom's body, black covering him only to disappear a split second later.

He screamed, and Willow's chest ached. She looked away, unable to bear seeing her boyfriends in so much pain.

"Please! Just stop!" Willow yelled. Lucifer turned towards her, giving her a sadistic grin before the noise grew louder.

Eddie fell to his knees, weak from the sound. His screams got louder as he doubled over. A black mass materialized on his chest, she assumed that was Venom, and was flung off of him.

The noise stopped, and Eddie reached a trembling hand towards his symbiote. It fell short. Lucifer grabbed a container and placed Venom into it. Sealing it, he placed it down upon the white table in the side of the room. Venom threw themselves against the glass in an attempt to get back to their host. The glass didn't budge.

"Not so intimidating now, are you Brock?" Lucifer said, tying Eddie's hands behind his back. "You were our only successful host. You'll be very useful in my... studies."

Willow's chest tightened. She couldn't let her boyfriend be used as a test subject. She had to do something. She looked around for a possible way to escape.

Eddie attempted to stand. His legs gave out on him before he could get off of his knees. He face-planted, groaning as his head hit the floor. His eyes rolled back as he passed out.

Willow looked at Danielle and Amber. They both looked horrified at what they had witnessed. Amber looked a second away from passing out. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking. Danielle was wide-eyed as well, though she wasn't nearly as pale as Amber.

Willow just stared, unable to fully comprehend what was going on. She watched as the man grabbed a needle from the table and stabbed Eddie in the neck with it. He then grabbed a similar one, walked up behind her, and did the same thing. There was a pinch of pain in her neck before everything went black.


Willow woke up in a smaller room. So small she would go as far as to describe it as a jail cell, with just enough room to move around. The lighting was dimmer, though everything else was eerily similar. Needles danced their way across her forehead as she groggily rubbed her forehead, trying to rid the black spots from her vision.

She sat there for what felt like hours, though she couldn't be sure as there was no indication of the time. She sat there, picking at her fingernails.

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