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Willow had always thought she was good at keeping secrets, but keeping something like Venom from one of her closest friends was proving to be more challenging than she expected.

Danielle was still unsure about her dating Eddie and his alien body mate. She always feared the worst for Willow, she just wanted to protect her. Willow didn't mind her friend's protectiveness, though it did get a bit much at times.

Willow walked over to the coffee shop, getting ready to start her morning shift with Amber.

"Mornin' Ambs!" Willow said happily.

"Hey, Wills! How's life?" They were just opening the doors to shop, getting prepared to start the day.

"Pretty good. Weird shit's happened, but things 've been decent. You?"

"Alright. One place is looking promising for a job. And things are going well with Alex."

"That's great! Alex always seemed like a great guy for you."

Amber blushed. "He is a great dude. How's Eddie?"

Willow was quiet for a few moments, trying to decide what to say. "They- he's doing alright."

Amber gave her a weird look but shrugged it off.

They worked in silence for a while, falling into a rhythm. There was a steady flow of customers, some staying to relax or work on something, others rushing off to wherever their life took them.

Work dragged on. It was a regular day, the regular mix of nice customers sprinkled with rude ones and regulars came and left as the hours passed.

Towards the end of their shift, a familiar face entered the shop.

Eddie walked into the shop smiling. His hair was messier than usual, though he was neatly shaven.

"Hi babe," he said, smiling at Willow. "Hey, Amber."

"Hi Eddie. How's things?"

"Pretty good. You?"

"Alright. How's V?"

"He's good. He-" he was cut off by Amber.

"Who's V?" she asked as she made his usual coffee.

"V- uh, Victor. He's my... uh..." Eddie stumbled over his words as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Friend," Willow said, wanting to smack herself for slipping up in front of Amber.

Amber gave them both a skeptical look. "Did something happen to Victor?"

"He, umm, got a... uh... bad cold?" Eddie said, though it sounded more like a question.

Amber raised her eyebrows, though didn't question it further.

"So, are w- am I still picking you up for dinner later?"

"Yeah. 5 o'clock, right?"

"Yep. Thanks," he said as he took his drink from Amber.

"See you tonight, darling," Eddie said, walking over to a table.

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