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Willow and Amber eventually settled on going for dinner instead, as it worked better with both of their schedules. Danielle was also coming, so it was a get together for all of them.

Willow woke up a complete mess. Her hair resembled a bird's nest and there were large, dark bags under her eyes. Her face was also covered in pimples.

She groaned, rolling over yet too lazy to actually move. She looked around her room, noticing how disastrous it truly was. It had been a while since she had cleaned, and it was noticeable.

Willow forced herself to be productive, getting out of bed and making herself breakfast. Once she had finished, she started cleaning her bedroom.

She worked through each room in her apartment, blasting her music. She didn't care what the neighbours thought, she needed it to be productive.

She had finally finished cleaning her apartment by lunchtime. She didn't do anything fancy, opting for the signature college meal of ramen noodles. She checked her Instagram while she ate, browsing through it.

Willow tried to entertain herself after, but despite everything, still got bored. There was still a few hours to kill before she had to leave to meet her friends. She decided to go for a run.


Willow finished her run, breathing heavily as she walked up the stairs. Her clothes were drenched in sweat, causing them to stick to her skin.

She wiped her forehead, fumbling with her keys as she unlocked the door. She got into her apartment, immediately flopping onto her couch. She stared out her window, and noticed that something was off. There seemed to be a figure watching her through it. Willow stood up, walking over to it. She used her phone's camera to focus on it. She gasped as she saw a guy, dressed in all black, staring at her through binoculars.

She rushed to close the blinds, doing the same to the window in her bedroom. She started panicking, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest.

She darted across her apartment and the hallway. She pounded on Eddie's door.

She heard footsteps from the other side, and Eddie opened the door, peeking his head out. He saw her and the door flew open.

"What's wrong, darling? Are you okay?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"I mean... not really? There was a guy watching me through my window," Willow said, panting.

"Wait. Really? Is it a stalker? An ex?"

"I don't think it's an ex. I think it might be someone trying to find Venom."

Eddie looked slightly shocked. "Why would they connect you to us? If they didn't know about it."

Willow shifted her weight from foot to foot. "Maybe they saw me with you at the restaurant."

He paused, thinking for a moment. "If they did, then wouldn't they already know it's me?"

"I don't know. I'm just scared that they might come for me. There was a similar looking guy stalking me at work the other day."

His face took on more of Venom's features in his anger. His eyes became white as his teeth sharpened, looking more like Venom's fangs.

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