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When Willow woke up, the first thing she noticed was the pounding in her head. Her eyes flew open, glancing around the brightly lit room she was in. It was fairly small, and the entirety of the room was white. All of the tiles were white, the bright lighting reflecting off of every surface. The only thing was not white was the door, which was a light gray. Amber was awake, looking as afraid as Willow felt. Danielle was still out cold, oblivious to their situation.

Willow tried to move, only to find that she was tied to a chair.

The door swung open, hitting the wall and waking Danielle. She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. Her eyes widened as she tried to move, letting out a panicked whimper.

A man walked into the room, holding a knife. He was fairly tall, with dark eyes and a mouth that was twisted up into a sinister smile. He twirled the knife as he walked towards them, stopping a foot in front of Willow.

Willow took a few shaky breaths. Her entire body shook with fear as the man twirled the knife mere centimetres away from her face.

"W- who are you?" she gained enough courage to ask, her voice cracking.

"That's hardly relevant, darling."

"What do you want from us?" Danielle spat, doing her best to hide her fear.

"Oh, sweetheart, I want nothing from you. However, your boyfriend has something I want," he said, pointing at Willow with the knife, eerily calm.

Willow's mind blanked for a few moments. "What are y- what are you talking about?"

The man let out an exasperated sigh. "Oh, darling. We both know you're not that stupid."

Willow's eyes widened as she realized he was talking about Venom. Sweat dripped down her face. Her hands shook, rubbing against the ropes holding her in place.

"Does he have information on you or something?" Willow asked, playing dumb. As soon as the words left her mouth she realized how that probably wasn't the best idea.

"Now, we both know that's not what I'm talking about," he turned his attention to her. He took her phone from her pocket. "Let's give your loves a call, shall we?"

Amber was scared and confused, raising her eyebrows at 'loves'.

The phone rang once before Eddie picked up. The man put him on speaker.

"Darling, are you okay? It's been 10 hours and we weren't sure if you went over to your friends' or—"

The man cut him off. "Oh, she's fine... for now," the man said sinisterly.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"That's hardly relevant. What's more important, is the fact that I have your sweetheart right here," he twirled the knife.

"What have you done to her?" his voice dropped several pitches in the middle of his question.

Both Amber and Danielle flinched. Willow felt hopefulness rise in her chest. There was no way this psycho would be a match for them.

"Nothing yet. Though, that may change. If you and your friend don't show up within the next hour, there will be more blood on your hands."

There was silence. "If you even think about harming her—"

"Oh, it won't just be her," the man said casually. "Her two friends will suffer as well."

"Eddie, don't! He's trying to get to you and Ven—" Willow was silenced by the man, who held the knife against her throat.

"Clock's ticking, Brock." He hung up.


Eddie's POV

"Eddie, don't! He's trying to get to you and Ven—" Willow's panicked voice yelled through the phone. She stopped in the middle of her sentence, leading him to believe that the man had threatened her.

"Clock's ticking, Brock." He hung up.

"Shit," he muttered, shoving his phone into his pocket. He paced, his breath becoming more rapid with each step he took. "What do we do?"

"We have to find Willow," Venom hissed. Black armour travelled up his arms, threatening to take over.

"She said he's trying to find you, Ven. And he knows about you. About us."

"And she will die if we don't save her. There is no way that man alone can take us."

Eddie paused, staring at the open window. "How're we going to find her?"

"We can track her scent."

"You're not a damn bloodhound, V."

"Do you have a better idea?" There was silence. "Now, can we stop wasting time?"

Darkness consumed him as Venom took control.


The public was less than prepared to see the Demon of San Francisco barreling through the streets in broad daylight. Cars swerved out of the way and pedestrians jumped at the sight of them. Some whipped out their phones to capture shaky footage of them.  Their claws tore into the pavement, propelling them through the city. They made a sharp turn, following Willow's scent. It led them to what appeared to be an old, run-down medical facility on the outskirts of the city.

They entered it through a window, prying it open before slipping inside. Venom retreated back underneath Eddie's skin, though stayed on high alert.

The building looked abandoned from the outside, though the inside was clean, brightly lit hallways branching out in several directions. The hallways were white, with glass doors separating the rooms from it. A shiver passed through his body, peering around a corner before continuing.

"Don't like this, Eddie,"  Venom said in their shared mindscape. "Reminds us of Drake."

Eddie tensed at the mention of the one who had caused his Other so much pain. They had suffered for months, starving and alone. He was hit with a wave of nausea, a feeling of unease settling in.

They walked cautiously towards a door at the end of the hallway, Venom sensing people behind the closed door.

Eddie opened the door slowly, feeling his teeth become too long and numerous in his mouth. His fingers transformed into claws.

"In case you need to fight someone before we can react," his Other provided.

"Thanks, V."

As the door opened, he saw Willow, Amber, and Danielle each tied to a chair. Willow had a look of dread, the others looking frightened. Amber's eyes were wide with fear, wider than Danielle's. Then it hit him. Danielle knew about his Other. Amber did not. There was a cut on Willow's cheek that was bleeding, a soft sound echoing as each drop of blood hit the floor.

"Willow!" He was about to rush over to her when a tall, dark-eyed, dark-haired man stepped into the room. His mouth was twisted into a sinister smile, a knife in his hand.

"Hello, Brock. I wasn't sure if you were going to show up."

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