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Eddie's POV

Several hours prior

Eddie woke up, pain pulsing through his skull. He opened his eyes, and the dull pain turned into an intense throb as they took in the harsh lighting. He flinched, closing his eyes and trying to bring his hands up to shield himself. Only to realize he couldn't move his arms.

Panic blossomed in his chest. He looked down, realizing he was tied to a chair. He tried once more to move his arms and legs. The rope stopped him.

He tried not to freak out too much. His mind was fuzzy, the events of what had happened before were blurry at best. He remembered the phone call. Him and Venom coming to save Willow. Then—

Venom, he thought. He couldn't feel them. His mind felt empty. There was no voice in his head. His heart pounded in his chest.

"Venom!" he cried out in his mind. No response.

"Venom!" He ground his teeth together. "Now is not the time to do this you fucking parasite!"

The silence in his head was agonizing. For the first time in over a year, Eddie was alone. The shock was too much for him. His vision became blurred and unfocused as he slipped away.

He woke up to a dull ache in his arm. His eyes fluttered open, taking in the scene. Lucifer towered over him. He was scribbling down something in a notebook, an empty needle beside him.

"What the fuck did you just do to me!" Eddie yelled, shocking him.

"Oh. Didn't realize you were awake, Brock," he stated.

"Where are we?" he yelled.

"None of your concern."

He had forgotten for a moment that Venom had been torn from him. He expected a voice that wasn't his own to respond. When nothing came, he panicked.

"What the fuck did you do to Venom! Why can't I hear him?"

Lucifer chuckled to himself. "I separated the two of you. Easier to contain you if you can't tear through people like paper."

"What the fuck did you do to them!" His voice cracked. Tears welled up in his eyes. "And what did you to Willow!"

"I haven't done anything to your dearest yet. However... your symbiote will make an excellent test subject."

"If you do anything to either of them I swear to God—"

Lucifer's fist connected with his face. Eddie's ears rang. His head snapped backwards, a dull pain throbbing in his head. He groaned, blinking rapidly.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know."

"What can I say? I aim to please," Eddie said, anticipating another punch.

Lucifer looked unimpressed. "Why don't we start our experiments."

"Please! Don't! I'll do anythi—" Eddie's heart raced. He wouldn't let anything happen Ven. Or Willow. He would die before he let anything happen to them.

He was cut off by that same awful noise from earlier. He screamed, his entire body shaking with pain. The noise cut out. Eddie was left panting, his ears still ringing.

Lucifer jotted something down in his notebook. "It's fascinating, really. After a year of being bonded to it, you seem to have acquired some of its weaknesses," he addressed Eddie.

Eddie was silent, worried that Lucifer would turn the sound back on. He wasn't sure how the noise affected Venom. If it even did at all. They hadn't been separated in over a year, and they hadn't stopped to think about what would happen if they did.

"I wonder what else changed..." his voice trailed off, deep in thought.

It felt odd. Venom wasn't with him, but he could still feel him in some way. There was a presence in the back of his mind, lingering but not fully there.

"Venom?" he called out in his head. There was no verbal response, though a wave of something that wasn't his own rippled through him. He smiled faintly.

Lucifer was silent for a few moments. Then, he simply said, "I'll be back in a few minutes. Just going to check on your dearest." He started towards the door.

"If you do anything to her I swear to god..." The change in his voice shocked both of them. The way Lucifer looked at him told him that something about him was inhuman.

"Incredible..." he murmured, taking a few steps closer to Eddie. "You can still take on some of its traits even after being separated." He scribbled something down. "Your eyes are completely white. And your teeth are too sharp to be human."

Eddie snarled. Even that sound was too deep, too inhuman.

"You're no longer completely human. This is unbelievable."

"If you even touch Willow, I can promise you that you'll never see the light of day again." He growled, baring his teeth.

The sound blared again. Eddie screamed out in agony, his body shaking in pain.

"And those features have disappeared. Fascinating." He paused. "Now, if you'll excuse me," Lucifer said, walking out of the room, leaving a weak Eddie trembling in his seat.

Time dragged by. Each minute, Eddie got increasingly anxious. Unsure what was happening to Willow and Venom. A thousand questions raced through his mind, ranging from what is happening to Willow? to how the fuck did what happen earlier happen?

He sat there, each second agonizing than the last. Lucifer barged through the door, fuming with rage.

"Your bitch escaped! And your parasite did too! Do you have an explanation for how this could've happened!" he snapped at Eddie.

"You act as if I had something to do with it, which for th' record, I didn't," he replied, leaning away from him.

"How did this happen! I had a plan and it all goes to shit..." His head rested in his palm as he groaned.

"Well, Brock, I suppose we should continue with the tes--" he was cut off abruptly by the door being blown open. Standing there was Venom, teeth bared and claws raised. A smile crossed his face. Surely they wouldn't be bested by Lucifer again.

Speaking of Lucifer, the man took a step back, fear flashing across his face for a split second before he regained his composure.

"You came back for him after all."

A/N: Once again I'm sorry for the longer wait between updates. I've got a science exam coming up, so that's been keeping me from writing. Anyway thanks for reading!

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