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They ended up taking a cab back to Willow and Eddie's apartment complex. It was pitch black outside, and none of them felt like walking. After a long, boring taxi ride, they arrived at their apartment.

They walked up to Willow's apartment, talking about the insanity that was the past day. They arrived at her apartment, Willow fiddling with her keys as she tried to unlock the door.

"You guys can crash at my place if you want," Willow offered to her friends.

Amber yawned. "You know what, I'll take you up on that."

Danielle nodded, too tired to speak.

She looked at Eddie. "You can as well, loves."

He shook his head. "It's fine, babe." He gave her a small smile. "We'll just be right across from you if you need anything."

The truth was, she wanted Eddie there. No. She needed him there. She needed him to hold her, to protect her. She gave what she hoped were convincing puppy dog eyes and said, "Can you stay? Please?"

"Are you sure? Your apartment's already going to be full."


He sighed, defeated. "Okay, darling."

Amber and Danielle took the couches. Willow and Eddie took the bed.

Willow tried sleeping that night but the constant thoughts of 'what if's' clouded her mind.

She twisted and turned. She tried counting sheep but nothing worked.

Those constant thoughts wouldn't leave. Her mind came up with what could've happened if Eddie and Venom weren't there.

Would she still be here? Would be she be alive? What if Lucifer killed Danielle and Amber on the spot, in front of her? She'd have to live with that for this rest of her life. And what if he killed Eddie? All of this would be her fault, her fault for not checking her surroundings or being careful, her FAULT for being so weak.

Willow didn't notice it but she had started crying, and it woke Eddie up.

"Willow?" He said, turning her around so she faced him, her hazel eyes glistening in the moonlight, the eyes he fell in love with now filled with tears. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry. It's n- nothing... it's silly." She said, her voice wavering as she spoke.

"This is clearly not nothing if it's causing you to cry," Venom spoke as Eddie brushed away her light brown locks that stuck to her face from the tears.

She looked away, not wanting to speak.

"Willow, we can't help you if you don't talk to us."

She continued to stare elsewhere.

"Love," Eddie spoke, his hands gently leading her face to turn to him. "Please."

"I'm... scared. What if someone tries to take me again? What if they try to take my friends? You? A-and I know it's completely irrational because the two of you would do anything to keep me safe but... but the slim chance scares the living daylights out of me."

Eddie's eyes softened at her confession. He wiped the fallen tears away as he pulled her closer to his chest.

"As long as we're alive, no one will lay a finger on you. We promise to keep you safe and happy, you're alright." Eddie cooed, tucking them both under the sheets.

His steady heartbeat was a lullaby to Willow's ears. Within minutes she fell asleep.

Eddie smiled at the girl that he had in his arms. He may not know what would happen in the future, but he sure as hell won't let her bare any more pain.

𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔰𝔬𝔫 | e. brockWhere stories live. Discover now