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It was now Sunday morning and I was awake at 8:30 AM. Why was I awake at that time honestly I don't know.

"Jack honey I made pancakes" my mom yelled at me.

I guess she heard me get up.

"Okay mom I'm coming" I said heading downstairs in a oversized hoodie and booty shorts.

"Sydnie left earlier" my mom said and I nodded

I ate my pancakes and then took a shower. My mom was going to work so I was home alone.

After my shower I changed into some joggers and a cropped nike shirt.

I watched some Netflix and got bored.
So I texted Zach.

Jackyy- hey Zach

Zay- hey what's up?

Jackyy- just home alone.

Zay- oh. Want me to come over 😂

Jackyy- if you want to ...

Zay- okay I'll be over in 10

Jackyy- okay see you then :))))

I was looking forward to him coming over.

This time we were alone so we could talk more.

I just want to learn more about him and become closer.

We've only known eachother for about a week and are already really close.

I wish we could be more but I like were we are heading...

10 minutes later

My doorbell went off and I opened the door and there stood zach.

Wearing Nike shorts, a hoodie, and AF1s.

"Hey" he said and I moved so he could come in.

He took off his shoes and sat on the couch.

"We can go upstairs if you want" i said and he nodded and walked with me.

We got to my room and he sat down followed by me.

"So how are you" I asked

"I'm good. I was bored too so I'm glad you let me come over" he said and I smiled

"Of course. What do you want to do" I asked

"It don't matter. We can talk. Or watch something it doesn't really matter to me" he said

"Wanna learn more about eachother? We kinda got interrupted last time" I said and he smiled and nodded.

"Well I have an older sister Sydnie. My dad left when I was younger. I do photography like you already knew. Uhm my favorite food is pancakes." I said and he laughed

"Well I have a younger brother Ryan. My parents are still together and my favorite food is fries and I play soccer" he said and I smiled

"Well you know how you asked me how I knew I was gay the other day...uhm you seemed like you were questioning yourself and please don't take this the wrong way but if you want to talk about you know you can talk to me" I said and he looked down and frowned.

"It's just I'm not afraid of being gay. Honestly it's just because I've never really been told that was an option. I've always been taught to just get married to a woman and stuff like that. And when I met you and you told me you was a guy, I felt slightly jealous that your just so open to being you. You don't even a problem with it. And then Gabbie is lesbian and is so happy with her self and then there's me" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah I get where your coming from. M- my d- dad he left because of me. He hated the fact I wanted to dress like a girl so bad. And I hate him for it. But I've done great without him. But if you are gay then don't be ashamed of it. I bet your family will accept you. You seem like your family is very accepting." I said and he hugged me

"I'm sorry that happened to you jack. You don't deserve it. And thank you" he said and I smiled

"It's okay. And your welcome" I said

We talked a little more and ended up watching All American on Netflix.

After a little while I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair.

He's so sweet and warm.

He smells like vanilla.

I'm whipped.

11:00 AM

I woke up still laid on Zach's chest.

He was snoring very quietly and it was so cute.

I got off of him and headed downstairs with my phone.

Gabcakes- hey jackyy

Jackyy- hey gabs

Gabcakes- what're you doing

Jackyy- I'm hanging out with Zach

Gabcakes- Awww. Okay I'll leave you alone

Jackyy- Uh Okay byeee gabs

Gabcakes- byeeee

I made some sandwiches and waited for Zach to come down.

As if on que he came down right when I finished.

"I hope you don't mind I made you some lunch" I said and he smiled and sat down.

"Thank you." He said and we ate.

A little while afterwards we just chilled on the couch watching YouTube.

It was very nice.

I enjoy his company a lot.

Later on that day he left and my sister cane home.

I got ready for bed and waited to see zach tomorrow at school.

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