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that's all i want to know, why is school so hard, why is life stressful, why are people annoying, why?

sydnie started work like a week ago and i've been having to stay home by myself a lot, it's not a problem but i miss having my mom around.

syd goes to work at 8:30-7:00 everyday. except the weekend. but atleast we get money.


lunch time

i've been going to school for a week.

senior year is fine i guess.

i want to go to UCLA just so i can be close to home, zach wanted to go to NYU.

we were going to try and make long distance work but i guess not now.

"so jack..." jonah says

"hmmm" i say as i'm eating my food

"what're you doing tonight" he asks

"going home and watching netflix" i say and they all just look at me

"that's all you've done for like a month" christina says

"and is there a problem" i snap

"jesus jack chill" corbyn says

"well it's my time and my home i can do what i want don't y'all understand that" i ask

"jack we were all just gonna see if you wanted to go to the movies, us guys were planning on having a guys night...damn." daniel says

"i- i'm sorry guys" i say and put my hands over my face

"it's fine just next time don't get all snappy on us" corbyn says

"well what movie are we seeing tonight" zach asks

"uhhh we will see when we get there" jonah says and we nod

"so basketball season is in a month and i'm planning on cheering for it as well instead of just football" gabbie says

"that's cool..." i say and we start talking about it


end of the day

the girls left and went home while us boys are still trying to leave

"since i drove here i'm taking my car to the movies" i say

"okay. well i drove corbyn and daniel and zach to school this morning soooo" jonah says

"someone needs to ride with you i mean that's just weird not to" daniel says with a smirk

"i'm not" corbyn and daniel both say at the same time

"well bye zach" jonah says and them 3 leave me and zach to go alone

the movie theatre is about 30/45 minutes away great

me and zach get in the car and i plug up my phone and he just sets there looking out the window.

i miss him.

zach's pov

i don't know what to do

i feel like i need to do something but what

i miss him so much like more than anything but what do i dooooo

"soo what do you think we're gonna watch" i ask

"i don't know what's even playing" he says

"me either" i say

perfume by new hope club starts to play and i chuckle

"what" he asks

"i just i didn't know you listened to them..." i say

"oh well yeah i do" he says

"i do too. i'm not a big stan but i know a few songs" i say and he smiles

"me too" he says and turns the radio up

we both sing and it reminds me of before summer

i really miss these times and it's only been a month


once we get to the movies we all headed in after buying our tickets.

we chose a random movie that i don't even remember the name of

we go in and get snacks and things

once we head in to get our seats, turns out we are split up.

3 in one spot and 2 in the other.

jonah done this on purpose

corbyn jonah and daniel all sat down leaving me and jack to set alone.

i glared at jonah as jack walked towards our seats

"so..." i said as me and jack sat down

"yep..." he says

we started eating our food and watching the movie

half way through the 3 hour long film i looked over at jack, who surprisingly was looking at me as well

"hey you wanna maybe go outside or something" i asked

"honestly yeah" he said

we got up and headed outside the theatre

we decided on leaving and going to a café down the street

once we got in there we just talked.

"you know it's been a month now and i just wanted to tell you that i'm sorry. i know that may not fix things but it's senior year, if we go to the colleges we want to then we won't see eachother anyways. i don't want to spend my last year here being upset about you and i don't want you to hate me the whole time either. i'd rather us put this all behind us and move forward with our lives. i still love you jack and i will always and forever"

jacks pov

he actually made sense

i feel the exact same way.

honestly i feel like i overreacted some, it wasn't a smart move to just ruin everything for us.

"okay. i accept your apology and i'm sorry as well. let's forget about it and move on like you said. zachary, i love you. let's make this last year a memorable one not just for us but all of us. let's have an unbelievable year" i said with a smile as we held eachothers hands over the table

we both got up and back in the car and headed back got the theatre

the movie may not be over yet but we can still wait on the guys to come out and tell them the news. it's gonna be a good year now and i'm excited to see what's in store for us.

i don't think i will ever be able to get over this boy, he's always gonna be apart of my heart, and i'm not mad about it. i love him and there's nothing that will stop that.

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