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December 3rd

It's the end of the day and corbyn wants us all to stay over at his house.

We all ended up agreeing.

We're gonna meet up around 8 pm.

I went home and packed my bag and changed and headed over to his house even tho I was early.

Once i got there Jonah and Daniel was already there so we just had to wait on Gabbie Tate and Christina.

Around 8:15 they got there so it was pretty good.

"Y'all wanna watch some movies" corbyn asked

"Sure" Gabbie says

"Wanna make popcorn" Christina asked

Corbyn and her got up to make it.

"I'm already tired I didn't get much sleep last night" I said rubbing my eyes

"You know you can sleep Jay" Tate says

"Yeah it'll be ok" Daniel says

"Yea..." I say already nodding off.

I just feel so safe at Corbyns. Sure I don't have a bad home life but its just that sense of comfort.

I wake up around 2 am

Corbyn and Christina ended up going to his room and sleeping.

Jonah and Daniel are cuddled up on the couch.

Gabbie and Tate are asleep on some blankets in the floor.

And I'm sat on the love seat.

"Hmm maybe I should just go back to sleep" I thought and then I heard a knock on the door.

I look through the window and see a short looking figure.

I turn on the light and it's....

"Zach" I say opening the door

"Uhh" he says before I move so he can come in

"What're you doing here" I ask really confused and tired

"I- well- corbyn invited me its a long story I'll explain the morning" he says

He rubs his eyes and looks very tired.

Ughhh he looks so cute no jack but he does you can't think that but he's already here nope maybe I can cuddle really!!!? Are you dumb yes. But still no don't but what if it just happen... oh yeah whatever hmmmmm.

"Uhm are you tired" I ask

"No.." he says while yawning

"Seriously zay. I mean Zach. You can sleep on the love seat I'll sleep in the floor" I say as I say down

"No. Jack you can sleep here" he says patting the seat

"You sure" I ask

"Yeah. I can mo-" he says before I cut him off

"No it's fine we can share" I say and he chuckles

"Okay.." he says

I say next to him and he lays on the outside facing me.

We stare into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.

He then places his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him and I relax under his touch.

It was nice...I missed him.

We both eventually fell asleep.

Zach's POV

I wake up and flutter my eyes open.

"Where am I" I thought to myself before hearing mumbled voices

"When did he get here" Jonah says

"Why is he here" Daniel Asks

"Real question is why is jack sleeping with him" Gabbie says

"Your gonna wake them up" Tate says

I turn to face them and they all shut up.

I let go of jack and set up leaving jack still sleeping.

"It's to early for all the questions. I'll answer them later." I say

Corbyn and Christina come downstairs and jack wakes up.

We all set down.

I'm still setting by jack and he is still completely confused.

"So when did you get here" Daniel asks

"Around 2 am jack let me in and we fell asleep" I say and jack slightly Blushes

"Okay. But why" Jonah asks

"Well corbyn invited me" I say and corbyn nods

"Oh..." Gabbie says

"But he's here for a reason now let him talk" corbyn says and everyone nods

"I wanna start off by saying sorry to you jack. What I did was childish but also for a good reason. I really am sorry. But my mom you see she doesn't want me to be gay. She thinks I'm confused. She found out we were dating and told me I wAs just confused and needed to break up with you. So I did. Biggest mistake ever. I knew I needed to get you back so I made a plan with corbyn and Tate to get you to set down and listen to me. And last night I expected you to be mad and hate me but you didn't or atleast didn't seem like it." I say and everyone just stares well besides Tate and corbyn

"I- well I am mad. You hurt me a lot. But if it was just your mom making you think you were just confused and you do actually like me the I forgive you" jack says and I smiled

"Oh hell no" Jonah says

"Agree with Jonah. You can't just come back into his life with an "apology" and expect all's forgiven" Daniel says

"Guys he apologized and it was his dumbass of a mother who made it happen" Christina says

"Yeah I forgive him" corbyn says

"Me too" Tate says

"But he hurt jack and no one hurts our little jack" Jonah says

"Exactly" Daniel says

"Guys it's okay I forgive him. As long as he lives up to his apology then I think everything should go back to normal. I love za-" jack stops and realizes what he said

"Jack. Do you really love me" I say and be is still shocked but nods

"Yeah. I- I Do" he says and I smile

"I love you too" I say

"Awwww" Gabbie Tate and Christina says

"I ship it" corbyn says with a laugh

"Ok. If y'all are happy then I guess it's fine" Daniel says

"All's forgiven" Jonah says

I lean in and kiss Jacks forehead and he smiles up at me.

The rest of the day we go out to eat then to our spot.

It was a great 1st day back.

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