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jack and zach were just getting back from a day at the beach with their friends. it was the first week of summer and they were happy to be out of highschool.

jack checked the mail as he headed back inside following zach. he looked through it as they sat at the kitchen table.

"AHHHHH" he screams startling zach and his mom

"oh my god what" zach asks

jack just showed him the piece of paper from a packet that read

you have been accepted into the university of california los angeles

"oh my god baby i'm so proud" zach says as he smiles and kristin walks in and hugs jack aswell after reading it

"wait there's another one" jack says

he opens it aswell even thought it and zach's name on it

jack read it aloud

zachary dean herron you have been accept into the university of texas

"oh my god" kristin smiled

"oh my god no way" zach said with a huge smile

jack just nodded as he frowned

he put on a fake smile and cheered with his boyfriend and mom.

later on they both went upstairs to chill.

jack laid on the bed as zach walked over to him, zach noticed how jack was sad and frowned as he laid next to him.

"baby what's wrong" zach asked as he played with his hair

"us" jack sighs

"what about us" zach asks

"we won't be together zach. more than half of long distance relationships don't last, especially with us going into college. we will be so distracted we won't have time for one another" jack cries as he sits up

"hey hey hey, listen we can make it work. we will have time for eachother no matter what. you are my everything jack robert avery and nothing can change that. i love you forever and always. i promised you i won't forget you and i'm not going back on that, not now not ever, you hear me?" zach says as he places his index finger under jacks chin

"i love you too. it's just- it's terrifying. i can't lose you zach..." jack says as more tears fall

"you aren't going to lose me" zach says as he pulls jack into him, as jack cries into his shirt

zach rocks them back and forth as jacks cries grow quieter. he leans back and covers them up.

zach couldn't let jack know he was just as scared. in fact that was his biggest fear is not being there for jack, he can't stand it.


as weeks passed by the boys got closer to having to leave one another.

what the friend groups summer has consisted of is, getting drunk on the beach and at jonah's, hanging out, sleep overs, being alone and intimate with their lover, and what ever else you can do with your friends. they all found out what colleges they had gotten accepted into >>>


jack- UCLA
zach-  the university of texas
corbyn- Harvard
daniel- Juilliard
gabbie- university of central florida
jonah- boston university
christina- NYU
tatum- university of southern california

•corbyn and jonah an hour away

•corbyn and christina 3 hours away

•christina and daniel 18 minutes away

•daniel and jonah 3 hours away by driving

•jack and tatum hour away

•tatum and gabbie 4.30 hours by flight

•jack and zach 3 hours away by flight


its crazy how the friend group once was just 7 souls having fun, then 8 and they found love with one another, it was an emotional mess at times and mess period at others, but in the end they always had fun and enjoyed each other's company. now, soon they will be separating from eachother and be busy making careers. luckily some of them are close to eachother so it's not that bad besides zach and gabbie. they are alone but they have friends back in them states, but his mom is also there but she won't know he lives there.

in a month the friends will be going to college and they can't be more scared, excited, sad, emotional period than ever

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