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jack and zach were laying in bed. even though it was late in the cool summer afternoon. soon they would be leaving eachother and neither of them could stand it. they were laid with, jacks head on zach's chest, his arms wrapped around jacks waist as he played with his hair.

jack was just listening to the steady beats of zach's heart as he thought about life. life without zach, life alone without his friends right by his side.

"baby" jack says

"yes love" zach asked still playing with his hair

"when do you leave?" he asked

"don't worry about it. let's just enjoy each other's company" zach says as he leans down and presses a kiss to jacks head

the rest of the time it was quiet. a comfortable silence.

the silence was broken when the door slammed open

and appeared a blonde bean

"JACK ZACH COME ON" he said fastly and the boys just looked at him confused

"what" zach asked

"remember it's july 4th you know we are supposed to be going to jonah's for the get together" corbyn says and jack and zach get up and get dressed

they had both forgotten about the party and the holiday all together

they drove to jonah's and went into his house and right out to the backyard which held a whole lot of memories for the group

as they just listened to music and danced around jack and zach were just setting on the chair and embracing eachother

gabbie and tate were dancing to the music as corbyn and christina were making s'mores and jonah and daniel were playfully fighting eachother

but jack and zach just sat in the chair with jack sitting on top of zach. jack couldn't lose his baby he just couldn't and it broke his heart thinking about it.

"boom" daniel laughs as he throws a water ballon and hits jack

"oh no you don't" jack says as he grabs another one from the bucket

the one water ballon thrown turns into a fight with all of them until they run out, and just laugh as they sit down and talk.

corbyn goes inside and grabs some drinks. he comes out with red solo cups filled with alcohol and passes them around. they squad drinks as they watch the fireworks in the sky.

they don't get drunk just a little tipsy each. they all stay up talking about their goals and such for the future as the night grows old.

each of them fall asleep out side.


jonah and daniel were sitting outside talking as they had just woke up from the night before. a few minutes later gabbie wakes up and starts to talk to them as well.

"so should we like prank them?" gabbie asks with a laugh

"yes!! we should pour water on them" daniel says and gabbie agrees with a clap

jonah just decides to film it. as daniel and gabbie walk back out side with some water christina starts to wake up but not soon enough, gabbie and daniel yell as they pour the water on the group of friends.

zach, jack, christina, corbyn, and tate all shoot up and breathe fastly as they wipe the water from their faces

daniel jonah and gabbie all laugh crazily as jonah posts the video and they sit down. "i hate you three" zach says as he huffs

"i mean it was funny" daniel says with another laugh

"mhmm" christina says as she rings her shirt out

they all dry their clothes and put on some other clothes that they have left there. gabbie tate and christina decide to make some lunch as the boys decide to turn on some music and laugh at random things.

"so y'all ready for college" jonah says as he wraps his arm around daniel

"yeah actually, it'll be a big change but i'll still see you guys at some point, especially you jo we are somewhat close" corbyn says as he bops his head to the music

"really exited. i got into my dream college so that's a big thing, and christina is near me so that's fun. and jo and corbyn are just a few hours away" daniel says as he lays his head on jonah's shoulder

"i mean honestly no. not at all. you guys i'm gonna miss you all so much. it scares me everytime i think about it. i can't live without you all" jack says as he frowns and zach pulls him closer

"baby, don't worry, i'm only a short flight away, and tate is close as well. you going to enjoy college so much i know it especially since you are going to be famous someday" zach says with a smile as he kisses jacks head in comfort

"i really hope you are right love" jack says

"how about you zach" corbyn asks

"well i think i'll do fine. even though i'm pretty alone in texas, a few of my friends are going to the same school so that's pretty cool. and i really hope to succeed in my career after college" zach says with a smile and they nod

the girls finish lunch and they all eat it as they talk more about college. in just a couple of weeks they won't be able to do that anymore and that's what hurts them all the most.
not necessarily going to college but the thought of losing eachother in the process.

as zach sits in his room with chloe crying he thinks of all the things he lost. all of the memories and promises, all of the love that he waisted for the boy.

forever and always they said but in reality it was just now and sometimes.

"zach it's okay just breathe" chloe says as she tries to comfort the boy

"clo you don't get it at all!! he was everything" zach cries out as he runs us hands over his face

"corbyn i don't know what happened it was all going good for us. but i guess he couldn't withstand the pressure. but we all saw it coming" christina says as they sit in her dorm room

"your right. we did. but zach didn't" corbyn says as he holds christina tighter

"i don't know jo. it was a surprise but not at the same time. it breaks my heart just thinking about it" daniel says as him and jonah are sitting in the cafe

"maybe we should all go and see zach very soon he needs us" jonah says and daniel nods

"we need to go see him tate. it's awful what happened" gabbie says as they sit on the beach in florida

"i should've been there it wouldn't of happened if i was" tate cries

"babe it wasn't your fault. you were busy it ain't like you could spend all your time with him" gabbie reassures

"i know but it hurts. and we really should go see him, we all should" she says and gabbie nods

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