New Kid

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Hi I'm jack. Jack Avery. Sometimes I like to be called jacklyn. It's just I'm a guy yes but I'm femine.

I dress like a guy but I dress like a girl to you feel me?

My best friends are Corbyn of course Daniel Jonah, Christina, gabbie, and Tate.

That's our friend group.

Well we live in LA and we go to this normal highschool I guess.

I met corbyn and Daniel back in elementary then Jonah I'm middle and the girls in freshman year.

We're juniors now and I came out as gay freshman year.

I've always known I feel like since I was little I always would dress like a girl and that's why my dad left me.

My older sister Sydnie was always there for me. So was my mom. Sydnie is the best sister ever, I mean she is my only sister so.

But the guys and the girls are my family too.

Anyways it's October and school has been going on for 3 months now.

It sucks.

Everyone knows me for the girly-boy but honestly I don't care.

I permed my hair so it's curly and I love it.

Anyways it's time for school.

I'm in a floral dress and white high top converse.

It's a girly day :)

At school.

As I walk in the school corbyn runs up to me.

"Hey jack did you hear the news" he asked me super excited.

"Uh no what is it" I asked clearly confused

"We're getting a new kid. Supposedly his name is Zachary. He's gonna be in our class." He said and I smiled.

"Cool. Is he coming today" I asked

"Yeah should be here anytime. Oh and the principal asked you to give him a tour" he said and I nodded.

"Jack Avery come to the office" The PA system said and I walked to the office.

When I got in there i saw a boy slightly taller than me. I'm guessing he's the new kid.

"Hey." I said and Ms.Lettner asked me to show Zachary around.

Everyone was in class so it wouldn't be hard.

We walked into the hallway and I tried starting conversation.

"Hi I'm jack. Jack Avery" I said and he nodded.

"Oh I thought you were a girl" he said and I sighed.

"No I'm a boy." I said

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he said and I smiled. He's nice.

"No it's okay. Your not the first one to say it. I've gotten used to it" I said and he smiled.

"So I'm zach. Zach Herron" he said and I laughed

"Everyone has told me your name is Zachary" I said

"It is but Zach is better. It's not as formal as zAcHaRy" he said and I smiled and nodded

I showed him around and turns out we have a lot of the same classes.

"Well Zach wanna tell me more about yourself" I asked

"Well I'm zach, 16, I'm from Orlando Florida. I play soccer and I hate school. Oh I have no friends" he said and I smiled

" I have a friend from Florida. And you do have. A friend me. Also if you'd like you can set with me and my group at lunch" I said he nodded

We headed to our 1st class which was more like our 3rd. So we only had one class till lunch.


As I walked in the lunchroom I saw corbyn Daniel and Jonah setting at our table. Tate and Gabbie were in line and Christina was right behind me.

"So Zachy I'll show you Where I sit."I said and he nodded

"Hey Jackyyyy" Christina said rubbing towards me. I stopped and turned around and so did Zach.

"Hey Chris this is zach. He's setting with us" I said and she smiled

"Hi I'm zach" zach said

"Hi I'm Christina" she said and hugged him

We walked in and sat down at the table.

Normal seating arrangements.

Tate, Jonah, Daniel, corbyn, Christina, gabbie, Jack, and now zach.

In a circle by the way.

"Hey guys this is zach. Zach this is Tate,Jonah,Daniel,corbyn,and Gabbie" I said and he smiled.

"Hi I'm zach. Nice to meet you" he said and we sat down.

"You look nice today jack" Tate said

"thanks. Oh and Zach, gabbie is the one I was talking about from orlando" I said

"Oh your from Orlando. I loved it there, when we moved it was hard but I met all them" she said and we laughed.

"Yeah I miss it especially my old friends. But you all seem cool to so if you'd let me I'd like to be y'alls friend" zach said

I side hugged him and smiled.

"Of course" corbyn said

"Duh. You seem chill" Daniel said

"Yeah I'll deal with you" Jonah said

"Sorry Jojo is the mom of the group" Tate said

"If jack likes you then that means your a good person so of course" Christina said

"Thank you all" zach said

We all traded numbers and him to the group chat.

We got closer the rest of the day and had a good day.

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