
641 22 16

october 31st

i wake up and look over, there zach is sleeping soundly. everyone is still asleep, scattered across my room, they really are the greatest of friends to just sleep in a hospital room for me.

i get up and change into some clothes that sydnie had brought me and go out to the docotor.

"hey jack, what's up" he says

"well i was just wandering if i can check out?" i say and he nods and we walk to the desk

i sign my discharge papers and go back to my room to wake everyone up so we can go.

they all groan and get up, stretching, checking their phones, everyone walks out and says bye and leaves.

"zach, love get up" i say as i lightly shake him so we can leave

he groans but gets up and sydnie him and i walk out to the car.

we stop at jonah's so he can get his things so he can stay at my place. we go back out to the car and head home.

once at the house i help him carry his things to my room where he will be staying, luckily we got a new door for the front of the house.

"home sweet home" i say as i plop myself on the bed

"home sweet home" he says as he jumps on top of me

i laugh as we roll around on the bed, he stars tickling me, knowing i'm very ticklish

"zach...stop...z-zach" i say in between laughs

"never" he says in jokingly manner

"jack..." sydnie says as she walks into my room before she starts laughing

me and zach start blushing but raise up to talk to her

"yes" i say

"just wandering if you wanna go get something to eat" she says and me and zach smile and jump up

"YES" we say

we head downstairs and to the car, we hop in the back where i lay my head on zach's shoulder with our hands interlaced. i look up at him and smile.

"i love you" i say

"i love you more" he says and pecks my lips


we head to Mc.Donalds and once we get there we walk in and order and sit down.

"i'm glad to have us back and being normal" sydnie says and i nod

"as normal as we can be" i say and zach laugh

"our normal is your boyfriend moving in with you, having the craziest of friends, being seniors in h.s. and living practically alone...you know the normal" he says and we all laugh

our number is called and i get up and get it and bring it back to the table. we eat and decided to head home.

once we pull in there's a car in the drive way, we walk in and slowly look around ...

"SURPRISE" someone shouts and i fall backwards but zach catches me

"m-mom" i breathe out

"aww baby i'm sorry, i just wanted to surprise you, i came home early" she says and i smile and hug her

"you sure did surprise me" i say and hold on tighter

"i heard someone else moved in" she says with a smile and zach blushes

"yeah...if it's ok" he says and she smiles

"of course the more the merrier" she says and we all smile

we head to the living room and watch a movie for the rest of the night.



i wake up to my alarm at 6 am. i get up and hop in the shower, i put the shampoo in my hair and wash it, then i put the conditioner in and wash it, i wash my self off with the soap and rinse my hair and my body, i put my face wash on and let it set on my face as i set under the hot water, i rinse my face off and still stand in the shower just letting the hot water fall on my skin.
i get out and drive off, i brush my teeth, and put on my deodorant, i change into some black skinny jeans, nike hoodie, and fix my hair, i spray cologne on and get back in bed before i have to wake zach up.

my alarm goes off and zach gets up and changes and we head downstairs and say bye to syd and my mom and drive to school where we meet up with the squad and go to class.

living with zach isn't gonna be to hard and i'm happier with him. especially with my mom being back home i'm finally happy.

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